568 18 4

march sixteenth, two thousand and one

CW: SMUT, will bold the line before, so if you want to skip you can

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CW: SMUT, will bold the line before, so if you want to skip you can. goes to the end of the chapter

T H E  D A Y  F E L T  C R I S P  .

 The sun poked out from behind several fluffy clouds, keeping the temperature rather moderate. There was barely a spot of wind, but when there was, it was the gentle sort of wind that felt wonderful on your skin.

Draco Malfoy was sure that Pansy had charmed it to be so.

There was mild chatter surrounding him, Blaise chastising Andrew Harper on his decision to wear maroon dress robes, which clashed awfully with the color of the flowers, Miles Bletchley moaning about his break up with Doris Brown, and Percy Parkinson exchanging low whispers with Adrian Pucey. He felt disconnected from them, for the line he had crossed a few evenings ago signed his fate, his exile from all the people he was once familiar with. Draco was indignant that he didn't need their company, but without Astoria by his side, he felt a bit lonely.

He shifted on his feet, peering around for her. She had arrived earlier with her family, and before he could even tell her hello, she was sweeping his mother away from him, muttering healing incantations as they headed inside the manor.

Astoria had been more worried about Narcissa than usual. She stopped staying the night so that she could go to the St. Mungo's labs and continue her research on the curse, finish the antidote that she claimed was close to being done. While Draco sorely missed her presence in the evenings, he knew it'd be worth it, to have his mother healthy again.

In the distance, eyeing him suspiciously, was Sean Silverlake. Somehow the Auror had scrapped an invitation to the wedding and was serving as an undercover fucking bodyguard for him and his mother. Draco hated it and resolutely stuck his middle finger up at him, before finishing the wine he had in his glass.

"Oi! Malfoy!"

Theo stuck his head out of a random door that led inside the Nott Manor. His hair, which was usually tousled, was slicked back, his dark eyes bright with excitement. He grinned at his former friend, and current best man.

"We need you inside, they're gonna start in five minutes or so."

Draco placed his empty glass on a random table and followed Theo's figure into the manor, coming into a messy room, laden with bottles of champagne and fire whiskey, scraps of robes thrown all about, people chatting animatedly all over.

"You and Astoria will be the first people down the aisle— Dad will direct you guys. She's in the next room over, can you grab her and then head to the backdoor?"

Theo ran a hand through his hair, mussing it up slightly. "Well, wish me luck!"

Draco's mouth had been dry for so long, he couldn't understand why Theo would want to condemn himself to this fate, why he was so willing to go into marriage. Even with Astoria by his side, he was still firm in his idea that he wasn't going to marry.

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