We'll be fine

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I looked up at them who were all surrounding me with an annoyed look on their faces, and i knew they expected me to explain what had happened and why i was ignoring them.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, dusting myself off.

"You know, the least you could do after practicality kidnapping me is give me some space. Using a stupid spell on me and then barging into my home..." I mumbled, pushing them out of the way and making my way to the bathroom.

I opened the medicine cabnit and dug around for a bit.

"Where is it?... Come on i know its.... Oh, there it is."

I smiled and pulled out a bottle of pain killers. I was going to need them for the headache that was soon to come.

I popped open the lid and swallowed a few straight from the bottle, which ended up only being 3 cause that was all I had left.

I walked out of the bathroom, and after pushing past them all since they had followed me into the hallway and were crowding it, i walked into the kitchen.

I placed the empty bottle on the kitchen counter, then hoisted myself up on it to sit down.

"So, what do you wanna know?" I asked, waiting for them to start asking.

"First of all, why the hell have you been ignoring us??!" Pansy yelled, the others nodding in agrement.

"Draco, we've all been worried. Not just about Harry, but you too. After your dad came, you completely shut us off, and we didnt know what to think.." Hermione spoke, giving me a worried look.

"Come on Draco. If theirs something wrong, you should talk to us. Were your friends. All of us." Blaise said, and for the first time I had realized that my friends and Harrys had come together for the same cause.

They were worried about me and Harry, and it wasn't right for me to leave them out, no matter how scared i was for them.

I sighed and jumped off the counter, leading them all to the living room so we could talk more comfortably.

"Look," I started, sitting on one of the lounge chairs, " My father has been keeping a close eye on me. And i mean a REALLY close eye. Everywhere i go ive been followed, somtimes even here, so i dont even know if its safe to be talking to you guys..." I trailed off, looking around expecting to see someone.

I never did of course, but still. I suspected he put one of the house elfs up to it.

Hermione looked around too before pulling out her wand.

She put a finger up to her lip and motioned for us to hush, then she slowly started circiling the room, whispering as she did.

She had her wand out, so i was sure she was casting a spell or charm, but as to what type i had no clue.

After about five minutes of this, she suddenly stopped.

"Okay, its done."

She sat down with a defeated sigh, worn out from all the concentration.

"Whats done? I dont notice anything different?" Ron asked puzzled, and i was thinking the same thing but was just too embarrassed to ask and look stupid.

Helping Each Other GrowTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon