"So Zelda, how old are you?" Jenson asks.

"I'll be turning nineteen next month." I say.

"Wow." Jenson laughs, "You're quite young."

"Not that young." I smile.

"What I would like to know is if Jeremiah isn't Luciana's father, who is her father?" Kris snaps.

"Kris, don't be rude." Jenson says.

"No, it's fine." I say, "Um Luciana is the daughter of my first mate--who passed away before she was born."

"Oh," Kris says, "I'm so sorry." I glare at her when I see her make a small smirk

"It's fine." I laugh nervously, "I mean..."

"Why don't we talk about something else?" Jeremiah asks.

"Sounds like a great idea." Jenson says, "So Zelda, Jeremiah mention you guys got engaged. When's the wedding?"

"Well, I wanted to wait until my girls were a little bit old," I say, "So the girls can remember it."

"Sounds cool," Kris says, "I made Jenson wait until Levi was two before we got married."

"Yeah, and you went into labor when we were exchanging vows." Jenson says.

"I said I do through contractions mister." Kris says.

Wow." I say, laughing, "Hopefully I am not pregnant when we get married."

"Yeah." Jer laughs.

"Miss Zelda?" I look up and see Levi next to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can I hold Luci?" He asks.

"How about after we eat?" I asked.

"O-Okay." He stutters. I raise an eyebrow, feeling some anger come off of him, or some kind of nervousness. I watch him walk back over to his parents, and climb into his seat. I watch him glare at me, as he slowly eats his chicken. I shrug a weird feeling away, as I continue to finish my food.

"Can I hold her now?" Levi asks, as I bounce Luci up and down in my arms--Since she started crying.

"After I quiet her down." I say.

"No!" Levi cries out, "I want to hold her now."

"Levi!" Kris says, "Don't be rude."

"Sorry mommy, but I just want to hold her." He whines.

"It's okay," I chuckle, "If you can quiet her down somehow, I'll let you continue holding her."

"OKAY!" Levi says, rushing over to the nearest couch.

"Be careful when you hold her." I say, as I gently put a crying Luci into Levi's arms.

As soon as Luciana goes into Levi's arms, she stops crying. I watch as she raises her left arm up and places it on Levi's cheek. I watch as Luci and Levi both giggle. I raise an eyebrow at Jeremiah in confusion. He looks at me, and just shrugs. I look over at Jenson and Kris and give them a look of confusion. I take a deep breath, and reach down to Luci, but Levi growls at me,


"What?" Jeremiah and I asked.

"Levi give Luci back to Zelda." Kris says, standing up.

"NO!" He growls again.

"I won't say it again son." Kris snaps.

"She is MINE!" He growls.

#1 Lycan (Process of being Edited and Published)Where stories live. Discover now