She finally turned and walked out the building, not daring to look back. As she was sure that the woman must be fuming.

And I was being kind enough to not ruin your day. Humph! You should've just left me alone from the start.

Brie did not leave their room after that. She managed to take a quick dip in the nearby pool when everyone else was in the rehearsal dinner that night. And her idea of visiting the sauna with her sisters was completely scrapped.

Becky did not return until almost past midnight and Barbie had gone out with some folks for an after-party drinking at the open-air bar. She had no idea what time she returned or if she even slept in their room at all.

"Why are we arguing about this, Brie?" Becky irriatedly asked, hands on her hips and her head tilted.

"We aren't. Because I'm not wearing that. Period." She said ignoring the dress that her sister was holding.

"And then what? You didn't even pack a cocktail dress in that bag of yours."

"You two didn't let me pack anything!" Brie shouted, equally irritated that the other female was making it sound it was her fault. "I'll figure out something. But I'm not entertaining her with wearing that."

"Here, use what you want from mine." Barbie tossed her suitcase open, revealing an untidy clothes in it.

Then Becky quickly added, "If you can find anything in there."

"Babes, I'm leaving first. I need to shoot the venues. Bye!" Barbie was out the door after announcing it.

"The cermony will start in thirty minutes." Becky said firmly. "Be there in twenty and double check the sound system for me."

Sighing in disbelief, Brie was left in their room. She rummaged through both her sisters' luggages and found some things she could use with the dreaded dress. At least, she felt comfortable to be seen in the outfit.

Brie was practicing with a wonderful woman on the keyboard in the reception venue when Becky arrived with the first guests after taking some more shots after the ceremony. Her sister winked at her and gave two thumbs up before exiting the room to greet the other guests.

When everyone was in the room and the program started, she occupied the furthest table from the all the guests. If only she could go back in their room by herself but she knew Becky would give her an earful if she do. So, she stayed there, playing with her phone, only standing up to look at the food when no one else was present.

The selection varied but aside from the two beef dishes, almost everything else did not pass her standards. Though the vegetables looked promising.

"Hi, excuse me," she smiled to one of the servers behind the table. "This... chopsuey, does it have any meat in it?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'm, I don't know. I'll have to ask the kitchen."

"No, that's alright." She quickly said when the male seemed to turn and will really go somewhere. "I'm just curious since almost everything here has seafood."

Brie continued to walk along the long table, asking a few questions to the servers in those section about the food. By the end of the survey, her plate had nothing but two brownies. A man suddenly walked up beside her before she could return to her table.

"Excuse me, ma'm..?" he said, getting her attention.

"Yes?" she looked up from picking a cup of fruit salad.

"I'm Ethan, the catering manager. I've heard you're asking about our food, how can I help?" He flashed her a business smile.

Brie knew that look. He just judged her. No other words were needed.

"I'm good. Thank you, sir." She returned the gesture and left.

She knew she'd be singing again after the program so it's better to eat something before that. Brie decided that she'd just order room service again and put them in the bride's tab. She could still wait. Just another hour or so, no big deal. Once the DJ person that she met earlier took over, she was finally free.

Brie returned to her table to rest a bit when suddenly a hand placed a plateful of random food in front of her. When she looked up, it was the same manager man she spoke with earlier.

"Thanks but I don't eat those," she muttered, ignoring the food.

"The bride said to make sure you're eating properly, ma'm," he informed her.

Brie's ears perk hearing this. From her seat, she glared at the laughing couple, completely oblivious of her. She did not want to make a scene while both her sisters were still working. Additionally, she did not want to risk anything too.

"I'm still full from what I ate earlier," she replied, hoping for the man to get a hint and leave already.

He didn't.

"How? You only ate sweets earlier," he responded, remaining beside her. "Would you like us to make you something else?"

Brie knitted her brows at him. Her entire stay in the place was nothing but frustrating and he just added fuel to the fire. So, naturally, she exploded. All her emotions rushed to her head.

"Tell me, Mister Manager, how far is the hospital from here?" she asked, picking up a spoon. Confusion crossed on his face. "I hope you know. Because if I die, it will be all your fault."

She then took a mouthful of the vegetable dish and ate it, tasting the fibers of the crab meat as she chew. Brie sighed and finished off her water after that one bite. She just realized how crazy it was just as she swallowed it down.

"Well..? It's delicious, right?" He smiled at her, a bit more genuine than the last one. "You shㅡ"

Brie shushed, cutting him off. "What's... your name... again?"

"Ethan." She nodded.

"I'm Gabriella Maca...tangay," she said before grabbing his forearm and looking up to him, gasping for air. "A...egy."

He paused and stared at her. "Ma'm..?"

Brie could hear him. She tried to speak but the shortness of her breathing was hindering her. Instead, her body ejected the very thing that was causing this.

"Oh my god!" Ethan tried to keep her conscious but Brie had already collapsed on him. The other staff that saw the scene, immediately rushed to help.

When she came to, the bright lights first blinded her before finding the last person she was with, pacing beside her bed.

She cleared her throat and managed to produce a raspy voice. "Hey..."

Immediately, the male looked at her and visibly relaxed after realizing she's awake. "I'll get the doctor."

Both her sisters rushed in right after he left, followed by another male with a lot of facial hair. The women were in a mixed state of sobbing and anger while the male did some basic tests on her.

"She seems to be recovering but I still suggest she get checked in a hospital from the city just to be safe." The doctor adviced before leaving them.

"What happend?" Brie asked.

"You tell us!" Barbie said. "I just saw someone giving you CPR!"

"Brie," Becky started in her serious tone, catching both her younger sisters' attention. "You know this will happen. So, why did you do it?"

The youngest among them three could only sigh in defeat and she turned her head away from the eldest.

"Whatever it was," Barbie, being the middle one, tried to diffuse the tension. "We owe that guy a million thanks. He saved your life, Brie."

"True." Becky agreed, giving her sister a small smile. "We almost lost you. I'm glad you're safe."

They all hugged, crying and laughing at the same time.

"Daddy will be livid once he hears about this." Becky added afterwards.

--- ㅡㅡㅡ ㅡㅡ - ㅡ ---- -- ㅡ- ㅡㅡ- ㅡ--- -ㅡ-- --ㅡ - ㅡ --ㅡ -ㅡ- ㅡ- - ㅡ-- -ㅡ- ㅡㅡㅡ --- ㅡ-ㅡㅡ

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