Something New

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Becky stared at the bundle of flowers that landed on her lap after it hit her face. She blinked several times before realizing what just happend. Cheers and laughs rang in her ears as people around her clapped.

"Congratulations!" the female emcee announced in the mic. "We now have the lucky lady of the night!"

She then approached Becky who's shaking her head, not wanting to play any games using an excuse that she had other things to do. But the spotlight was already on her.

"What's your name, miss?" The emcee asked, holding the mic to her afterwards.

Defeated, Becky answered and the bride shouted from the VIP table. "Julie, be gentle. She's NBSB!"

"Oh, really? Heard that, guys? This lovely lady here is A. VAIL. A. BLE." Julie said, wriggling her eyebrows. "Let's move here, Miss Becky."

The female emcee guided her to the podium on the stage while her partner, the male emcee began speaking.

Becky was struggling to keep her composure as she saw the view from the front of the room. She felt her sight sway a little and her hear roared in her chest. Panic and anxiety were mixing and she was worried she might ruin the mood if she suddenly collapse then and there.

So, she braced herself. It was just the beginning of her career. There was no point starting it if she cannot handle people looking at her.

"Hey, you okay?" Julie leaned closer, whispering.

"Yeah... Just nervous," Becky managed to respond.

"It's alright. I'm here. I won't embarass you or anything. We're just gonna play one more game after this, okay?"

Becky nodded and thanked the older woman who handed her a bottled water to drink.

"Now, for the final round!" The voice of the male emcee boomed, surprising Becky from where she stood.

"These five gentlemen have survived to win the lucky lady we have here," he pointed to Becky who was now pulled to the center stage together with the others.

"The rules is simple. Find Miss Becky here and if you are correct, you got to put the garter on her later!"

Cheers erupted but Becky did not seem so keen about it. But then again, she had to keep it to herself and be a sport for once.

She and four other ladies that were picked from the crowd were seated in a line facing the audience while the men were being blindfolded behind them.

"Game start!" The two emcees announced and the men began to wave their arms around the stage.

Becky, on the other hand, pursed her lips and steeled her mind.

This is work. Work! You can handle this much, Rebecca! For your future career! You can do it!

She was concentrating too much on trying to locate her sisters in the crowd for support that she jumped the moment a hand landed on her shoulder.

The hands continued to gently pat her head and shoulders before moving away to the next person. This continued for a quick two minutes but it felt like an hour to Becky.

Until one man leaned down and whispered with a smirk, "Found you."

"And that's it! We have a winner!" The male emcee announced, quickly approaching the two. "Woah! It's Mister Bestman! God, he really is living up to his 'best man' title, huh?"

"What's your name, Mister Bestman?"

"Aaron," he answered in the same melodic voice.

"Then I'll introduce you two. Aaron, this is Becky. And Becky, this is Aaron. Now, you are acquinted." He quickly said, turning to each of them. Then, quirkily adding, "I can host your wedding too so contact me then, okay?"

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