"I apologize, sir."

"Is this what you called training, Ms. (L/n) ? Don't disappoint me, and get everything right." He spat.

The meeting continues, and Historia throws (Y/n) an apologetic look. The blonde truly feels bad for dragging Levi's most trusted secretary into this small trouble.


Composed breath and keyboard noises are the only thing (Y/n) and Historia caught in their ears as they're back to the receptionist table and do their work as usual.

"So I'll just have to type the outcome of the previous meeting with Mr. Marlo Freudenberg, right ?" Historia tilts her PC monitor a bit.

(Y/n) nods, "Correct, don't forget to input-"

A small beeping noise emitted from the small black device on the table, signaling that Levi's requesting assistance from his secretary. (Y/n) rose from her seat, "Be back in a minute."

With long steps, (Y/n) quickly makes her way inside Levi's office. She bows before him.

"What can I help you with, Mr. Ackerman ?"

"Have Ms. Reiss in here. I'm not calling for you."

The man doesn't even bother to look up from his papers as he engages in the small talk with (Y/n).

"O-oh, yes sir."

She quickly struts back to the receptionist table, "Historia, Mr. Ackerman's requesting for your presence."


It's completely normal for the vice president's secretary to come in without knocking so after watching (Y/n) go back and forth to Levi's private office, Historia gains the confidence to enter his office without knocking.

The blonde folds her hands in front of her lap, "You called for me, sir ?"


"Is there something you want me to do ?"

"Actually yes, " Levi puts down his pen and jerk his chin towards the sofa in his office, "do me a favor and sit there for 5 minutes then you can go back to work."

"I'm sorry, but what exactly do you mean..." Historia stops herself as soon as Levi sent her a glare.

She lowers her head, "Yes sir."

But just as she was about to head to the sofa, something came across her mind, "Mr. Ackerman, so uh.."

"What is it brat ?"

Historia was a bit taken back at his retort but she quickly got over it, " I saw that some private things were included in the job description. Does that mean I also.."

"What do you exactly mean by 'private things" ?"

"Such as tying your tie ?" She smiles innocently.

Out of reflex, Levi's muscles tensed, "Oh that ? I refuse. Don't even think of touching me with your filthy hands,"

"Then what should I-"

"Just support Ms. (L/n) with her work. Pretend you're on training for just one month, like now." He locked his sharp gaze on the confused blonde.

She blinked, "'pretend', sir ?"

And that's when Levi ignores her questioning look, "Just go sit in my office for 5 minutes already."

----------- Time skip-- At Night---

"So, (Y/n). When are you getting married ?" Rico Brenzka, (Y/n)'s friend from another company which is owned by Dot Pixis, asked.

(Y/n) decides to have a pleasant dinner with her two friends after work, turns out, Rico brought up the topic of marriage.

The mentioned woman only smiles sheepishly in return.

"Marriage ? Hey, she's been single all her life !" Nifa added.

However it seems like (Y/n) had other plans under her sleeves, "No need to say that. I'm going to get a boyfriend soon ! Cause I'll go on a blind date." A proud look is evident on her tired-after-work face.

"My friend, Floch, saw your photo on my social media and he's been begging me to introduce him to you. He's a considerate man, if I may add. He's the type you're looking for." Rico wiggles her eyebrows, "he's also handsome and his family's not bad either !"

Nifa squeals, "You lucky girl ! So what does 'Floch' do for a living ?"

"He's a journalist."

"Well, Rico, I-"

"Excuse me," a waitress interrupted their chat, "my apologies for intruding lovely customers like you, but we're holding surveys for our customers here today. Would you have some time ?"

The three exchange glances.

"There's one free side dish for every participant." The waitress proceeds.

(Y/n)'s eyes glimmer upon hearing the word 'free side dish', "Oh really ? Then I'd like to fill out the survey please." The waitress then hands her a paper along with a pen, followed by (Y/n)'s friends who's also interested.

The secretary writes out her name on the top column. Then her eyes start to scan the questions.

1. Write down the place you'd like to go to with the opposite sex you're interested in.

2. Write down the things you want to do with the opposite sex you're interested in.

3. Write down the gifts you'd like to receive from the opposite sex you're interested in.

'Hold up... What's with this familiar authoritative language ? It sounds very... bossy. This reminds me of a certain.. shorty' (Y/n) thought.

She finally decides to shrug it off.

----- Later That Night -----

"So you want me to find Ms. (L/n)'s survey from here ?" Hanji whines at the sight of a stack of answered survey papers, "why can't you just ask her directly instead of scheming with the restaurant for this freaking survey ?"

Levi sips his tea, "Just do it shitty glasses."

"Oi shorty, I'm the head of the research division you know ? Don't you think you're wasting talent here ?"

"Tch, just think of this as overtime work. Now do your damn job."

Hanji grumbles under her breath, "Overtime work my ass, you mean just prolonged frustration.. Ugh fine I'll find it for you since you're being such a pussy."


She threw away the papers that have strangers name on it, trying to find (Y/n)'s. And finally..

"Yahoo ! I found it !"

Within seconds, Levi snatches the paper from his brown haired friend.

His steel blue eyes skimmed over her answers, "how childish.." he muttered quietly.

"Why did you even ask her this anyway ? You-"

Levi gives Hanji an unreadable look.

"Don't tell me.. you'll do exactly what (Y/n) wrote..."

What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now