Day 1 - Arthit's Step Forward

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Arthit shivered as he stepped out of the airport and let out a deep breath, his warm breath meeting the cold air in a puff of steam. After six months he was back here once again, in China.

If you're wondering what a guy like him who was used to the eternal tropics of Thailand was doing in the frigid cold of 4°C in the middle of Beijing's freezing winter, the answer could only be one person. And that would be his boyfriend and junior - Kongpob Sutthiluck.

Arthit wrapped his jacket around himself a little tighter as he sniffed a little. Reaching out to hail a cab in the dark of the early morning, he checked his phone to estimate the time he would reach Kongpob's dormitory. Luckily for him, since he had been here with the younger one earlier in the year to get settled down before the semester started, it was going to be a breeze getting there.

Stepping out of the cab and dragging his luggage with him, he strolled down the familiar corridor in the direction of his boyfriend's room. That brat had better appreciate the efforts he had put in to plan this surprise. It was Kongpob's mid term break and he had been whining about how he would not be able to make it back to Thailand for the break as the freshman had projects that were due immediately upon his return to school in January. After weeks of listening to his whining, Arthit decided to take matters into his own hands instead.

This resulted in the mad rush of work over the last two weeks to ensure that all his work was in order and his handover list for the upcoming two weeks that he would be gone was thoroughly prepared. P'Earth had been an utter lifesaver once again as she assured him that she had everything under control and he could go enjoy his long awaited leave with his boyfriend.

As he stood in front of Kongpob's dorm room door, Arthit thought back longingly to the days where they had stayed in each other's room ever so often - to the point of having each other's keys in their possession as their rooms no longer belonged to themselves. He brought up his fist and gently knocked at the door, praying that his knocking would not wake the other students at this unearthly hour.

He heard soft movements coming from inside the room and his heartbeat quickened. Who could blame him? It had been six months after all. Six long months of enduring video calls and text messages when all he wanted so badly was to be by Kongpob's side. He was really here now and Arthit contemplated pouncing right into his lover's arms. It would have been very unlike him but he figured he could return to being a prude after he had gotten what he wanted.

The lock clicked open and the door swung open to reveal an incredulously sleepy Kongpob whose hair was in disarray, rubbing his eyes furiously. Arthit didn't say a word and instead, stood expectantly staring at the younger man from the doorway.



Eye rub.

Multiple furious eye blinking.

Arthit could almost see the gears cranking away in Kongpob's mind as he struggled to comprehend what was going on. That Arthit was really here in the flesh, standing right in front of him at just an arm's reach away.

"P'Arthit!" came the loud gasp that Arthit had been waiting for. An arm wound round his waist and he was tugged strongly into a tight hug. "Why are you here at four in the morning? Am I dreaming?" Kongpob asked, voice muffled by the fact that he had his whole face pressed firmly into the crevice between Arthit's neck and shoulder.

Arthit smiled as he threw his own arms around Kongpob's neck, softly stroking his hair. "No, you're not. Now aren't you going to let your boyfriend into your room or are we just going to stand here hugging?" he asked cheekily, swaying their bodies gently side to side.

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