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Hey guys. As you all see this is not an update but just a note to explain to you about why I haven’t been updating, or will not in the next couple of months.

These months are very important as I am doing my finals this year, and with that being said I need to concentrate on them and get them out of the way.

I won’t abandon this story, even if it has got me slightly irritated and annoyed due to the fact this story is going from whack to completely “what the hell is going on?”

I’m pretty sure some readers have noticed that from the earlier chapters a ‘masquerade ball’ should have taken place, which hasn’t. Due to that irresponsible mistake I’m practically losing my plot through this story.

So, I have thought of a master plan (By that I’m just being dramatic)

Once finals are over I will be sure to get round to RE-EDITING AND FILLING IN the gaps that should have been completed. So the story will get to make sense once I add stuff in, take stuff out and fix it up, including the grammar problems. (I never get the time to proof read my stories and due to that, there are always some mistakes which I’m pretty sure annoys you as they annoy me)

I understand if this irritates you and makes you think, “She is not one organised person” and not want to continue reading. That is completely your choice.

But trust me; I’ll have like 4-5 empty boring months so I’ll definitely fix this story up.

 Thank you for reading, because this story wouldn’t be where it is without you guys.



LIKE 4-5 MONTHS. (I’m pretty sure it’ll be over by June)

Bye :P

-Check out my other story, such as:


‘I didn’t know if it was his eyes, his lips or his smile. But I knew I was drawn to him.’

I’m at least over 400 years old, living a dreadful, selfish and trapped life, constantly craving for blood, Human Blood. My life started as a village girl, always fulfilling her families’ dreams, and it ended with a sacrifice. A sacrifice which completely didn’t go as plan...

A sacrifice to bring 12 females, turn them into vampires and behead them by their fathers. I? I escaped. But, I didn’t escape from living as a vampire for over centuries.

I have to choose between love and loyalty...

When I don’t even know the meaning of them.

My name is Kaleen Demetrious. The last and only survivor.

LycathionWhere stories live. Discover now