Chapter XIV: Back Up

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Today was a peaceful morning. It was still early when (Y/N) woke up facing Erik's chest. He was still fast asleep – mask off. She kissed his cheek as she smiled at him. He looked so peaceful laying there. Her memory trailed back to yesterday.

Last night was indeed one to recall. The two lovers had their first kiss. Erik considered it his first too. "You know what? I'm counting this as my first kiss," he said as the two were cuddling on the swan bed. "Counting?", (Y/N) asked confused, while he was playing with her hair.

"Yes. You see... b-before Christine left- wait... Are you familiar with the rumors of the 'final lair'?"
"Not really."

"Alright. Don't get creeped out, but..."


"When I kidnapped Christine, the viscount crashed my lair in attempt to save her, so I tied him up. I told her she either marries me and saves that Raoul from my hands. Or... she's free to go, however, her lover dies. Torn between love and pride, the three of us were yelling at each other's faces. Mostly Christine and I. Raoul literally felt like an intruder to any conversation. He stuck his nose everywhere. Then, she kissed me. It wasn't out of love. It was out of pity. She knew what she was doing. I was overwhelmed with severe emotions that I let her go. With Raoul." Erik spoke these words very fast and anxiously. (Y/N) noticed the disturbance in his voice, so she tried not to make a fuss about it. Before she got to speak, he continued, "B-but that's in the past now, r-right? Erik's with you now."

"Erik, darling, calm down. It's alright. You're with me, yes."

Still tensed, he nodded and continued playing with her hair. In mere moments, she drifted off to sleep, just before he relaxed and his eyes fell closed.

As of now, Erik opened his eyes to find himself alone in the room. The sheets were tangled and the right side of the bed was empty. "(Y/N)?" he called in his awfully hot morning voice. He grew worried when no one answered, and quickly got out in search of her. However, his negative thoughts disappeared when he heard someone singing from the other side of the lair. As he moved more forward, the sight of (Y/N)'s back appeared as she was joyously singing and dancing facing the kitchen. He sighed and chuckled in relief. "I hate you," he joked.

(Y/N) stopped singing and turned around. She fixed her posture, cleared her throat, and raised an eyebrow. After that, she spoke in a sarcastic deep voice, "Say that again?"

Erik was shocked by her mock. He ran up to her, pressed her back against his chest, and started tickling her in the same spot he did as yesterday. The area was packed with the sound of their laughter. "But, you liked that didn't you?", he asked as if evil. She couldn't return a response for she was too busy caught up in freeing herself. Slowly, (Y/N) calmed down as his fingers stopped teasing her. "Maybe."

"Good morning, angel." He kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Good morning to you too." She turned around to face him. "What's this?", Erik asked as he looked at the plates of croissants and fruits scattered on the kitchen counter.

"I may have got us a few things when you were asleep. And do not worry, no one saw me."

"You're amazing, thank you." He kissed her.

Erik and (Y/N) prepared a table for the two to eat. They managed to fix a set of chairs and a desk for seating. (Y/N) was sure going to spend more time in Erik's lair than before. Erik took a bite from his croissant, and his eyes widened in delight. (Y/N) laughed at the sight, "I know," she said. Her noticing his expression made his cheeks flush in embarrassment, and his teeth smiled a childlike smile. After that, he opened another topic of conversation.

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