Chapter XII: Tension

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"Really, Erik?! Do you know what risks you put us all in?"

"As if you weren't at risk before all of this."

Madame Giry was talking to the walls, or ceiling of Box 5. Erik's voice came from everywhere.

"Do you love her?"

Silence. Silence for few seconds.

"I am not sure. I don't know if this is love, for you know that I don't know how to love. She... she is everything Christine wasn't. I do care about her... deeply."

"Erik, from the day I came up to you here, I knew what I was getting myself into. On the other hand, I'm afraid that one day I won't be able to defend or help you anymore."

She bent her head down. When she looked up, she saw him in front of her.

"Antoinette, I couldn't possibly be here if it weren't for you; that's true. I didn't even think I would've been around for this long, but I'm asking you to bear with me just a bit more. Believe it or not, it turned out that I can be more careful doing my ways. I can assure you things will not turn out the way they did before."

Giry couldn't do anything but nod. She was speechless. She felt a slight change him. He was... softer? He was hard and mean to everyone, yet he had a soft spot in his heart that took over whenever someone mentions (Y/N), or when he's with her. Her sudden rush of thought stopped; she felt herself get wrapped in his arms.

What on earth... For the first time ever, Erik was hugging Madame Giry. When she was pressed against his chest, she asked him, slightly worried, "Erik, are you alright?". He let out a little laugh.

"I am alright. I'm great actually."

"This is..."

"The first time I hug you, yes. I'm new to this."

She knew Erik hated physical touch. When she used to come close to his "personal space" before, he would step away from her so fast, and his eyes would be glistening with worry. She didn't mind it quite much though, for she wasn't that affectionate herself. It wasn't like that now. Something caused his mentality to change. It was obvious.

"It's because of her, isn't it?"

His chin was above her head.

"Yeah. Yeah it is. She makes me a better person... in a way." He still didn't let go of her.


"(Y/N)! (Y/N)?"


"Are you re-"

Erik was about to ask if (Y/N) was ready for their singing lesson as he was ascending from the hallways, but his breathing stopped and trailed off when he saw her. "Ha. You look better in my shirts." (Y/N) was wearing a white buttoned shirt of his, and she found black shorts in his closet, not knowing what on earth are above-knee short doing in a man's dressing furniture. His shirt went down her back, for his body was bigger than hers. "I think so too." (Y/N) said as she turned a 360° swirl to give him a brighter look. His cheeks became bright red – his mind driven crazy. "Yes, I definitely like this," he managed to say calmly. "Well, then. Shall we?"

Erik bent his neck without looking down at the ground and smirked. He moved to the organ and sat. When he was about to warm up his fingers, (Y/N)'s voice chipped in, "Wait! Can we switch roles today?" He turned his head to face her.

"Switch roles?"

"How long have you been teaching me?"

"A few months. Why do you ask?"

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