Chapter 49: A Reward

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Rem: —Lepunzo Elemanso Oplane Fatsbalm VI.

YN: Yeah... That one.

Rem: What could YN-kun mean though?? Does the dish not taste as good warmed back up perhaps... No, maybe Rem did something wrong...

YN: Well, I mean, and if I'm being honest, it's good. Really good. But—

Rem: —But?!

Shaking his head and smiling at the blue haired maid, YN spoke.

YN: It's nowhere near as good as your cooking.

With her distraught expression still on her face, it took Rem a few moments to fully process what she had heard YN say.

Slowly a blush grew, then so did her expression change to one that conveyed disbelief. Making eye contact, Rem struggled to form words with her mouth.

Rem: W-w-w-w-what?! B-b-but that was made by Dias-sama! Surely YN-kun is only trying to flatter Rem...

YN: No Rem, I'm being honest. I don't even think it's personal preference. If you two both made this same dish, I think you would have made a much better version.

Still flabbergasted by YN's analysis of her cooking versus the renowned chef's, Rem still staggered on her words.

Rem: H-h-h-how could YN-kun think that?? Rem can't understand how hers could be better at all...

Holding the platter out in front of the two of them, YN did his best to explain what he meant, hoping to convince her.

YN: Well, for starters, look here.

Using his utensil to point, he first gestured to the broil on the top of the cut.

YN: Call me picky, but I think she focuses too much on this. The outside tastes great, but it's only a small part of the whole cut, it sort of leaves the inside, the meat, a bit bland by direct comparison.

Flipping up the broiled part, YN pointed out the meat underneath.

YN: It sort of makes me think this was done on purpose.

Tilting her head, Rem didn't understand what YN was implying.

YN: It just feels like that was intentional to make the sauce stand out more, but unless you get the right amount of each on a bite, it's either lacking in flavor, or the sauce just overwhelms everything else. If the star of this dish is supposed to be the sauce, let's just cut out the middleman and serve it with crackers instead of fish.

Putting her hands on her head in disbelief, Rem responded.

Rem: Waaah?! How can YN-kun say that?! Even then, Rem doesn't know how to make a sauce that good...

YN: But that's the thing, in this case, I don't think that's what you want. Sure, it takes a lot of skill to make a sauce that good. But you know what else takes even more skill? Making all the elements of the dish strong on their own, and making them all compliment each other.

Setting the dish back down on his desk, YN gave Rem a serious a look as he could, hoping to show he had no doubt in his analysis.

YN: The cooking I know you can do, is just that. You always make sure that everything compliments each other, all the flavors go together, and all the pieces can stand on their own, in their own rite. That takes a lot more skill to be able to do, and that's why I think your cooking is hands down better than Dias-blah-blah-blah.

With an immense blush forming on Rem's face, her hands fidgeted in her lap, stirring about as she mulled over YN's praises of her skills. Considering Rem had promised to never doubt YN ever again, and he had a direct comparison sitting right in front of him, Rem couldn't be any more convinced this was the truth.

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