Chapter 65: The Endless Eight - Part 11

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A/N: Happy New Year's everyone! Have another weekly update to start off the year! I went back in the last chapter and fixed a few minor spelling/grammar errors, so apologies if you read it before I got to those fixes. I went through this one an extra amount of times so hopefully you all should see less. Enjoy!

Chapter 65: The Endless Eight – Part 11

Exiting the city undetected, Rem climbed out of the carriage and onto the bench next to YN after returning Emilia's hood to her now that YN was done with it. Looking around wearily as she did, Rem was careful of anyone potentially watching them.

Rem: Emilia-sama is asking where we're headed. She's very upset, thinking we're leaving Subaru-kun behind, and she is already upset that the Great-Spirit-sama hasn't returned either...

YN: *sigh* I guess tell her we're heading in the direction of where we think Subaru is...

Rem: But how will we justify suddenly finding him?

YN: Tell her you smell the Witch's miasma. That's the only thing we can really say... It's not like it's a lie though.

Rem: If Rem hadn't known where to look beforehand, she doubts she could have known to look around the guard tower.

As the town began to get smaller behind them, the tower where Subaru was being kept got closer. While not adjacent to the city, and separated by a few farming plots, the tower was still very much a part of the greater area.

Riding up, YN re-examined the situation they found themselves in, if only for his approach on things in the next loop.

YN: So, it appears the plan was true, as per what Julio told us. The monster doesn't know who its target is, only that the target is wearing a blue outfit.

Rem: And Julio-san's loyalty can be guaranteed if swayed to our side.

YN: Yeah, if he had betrayed us, that would have added a whole new dynamic to things. I think it's safe to say Julio is only a forced pawn, and even then, he doesn't have a means of communication to relay new info.

Rem: Yes. Rem believes YN-kun may be able to make an ally of him next time.

Even till this moment, it pained YN to hear Rem speak in a way that he knew disregarded her own continued existence.

As YN pondered over his thoughts though, the carriage had come close enough to the tower without being suspicious. With a few fields of crops between it and the road they sat on, he dismounted the driver's seat.

YN: It probably would have been a better idea to come at night or some way that's less conspicuous...

Rem: We don't have that choice though.

Having parked the carriage behind a granary of some kind to conceal it, YN and Rem set off through the fields towards the tower.

YN: Wait, what about Emilia?

Rem: Rem told Emilia-sama we would be stopping to buy some supplies for journey ahead—

As Rem said that, the door to the carriage came flying open. Standing in its doorway, Emilia slowly stepped out with a serious expression on her face.

Emilia: — — —

YN: Umm, Emilia-sama—

Emilia: You know where Subaru is, don't you? That's why we're stopping.

Rem: Emilia-sama, please, this is dangerous, it may be best if—

Emilia: I'm not staying put! Subaru is my friend too! How could you both not tell me?

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