Chapter 52: Dinner Date

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Chapter 52: Dinner Date

YN: Okay, I think the last thing I need to do is plate the food...

With YN just about to start dishing Rem's share onto her plate, suddenly the door to the room flew open, sending a gust of air about the room, causing the tiny flames on each of the candles to flicker and hold on for dear life, causing several to not survive.

With most of the light in the room scattering about as the candles stabilized, in jumped through the door a figure of black when a familiar shade of blue, and a recognizable rattle of chains.

Rem: YN-kun! Nee-sama said—


Freezing mid motion, YN lost the balance of the spaghetti on his serving utensil meant for Rem's plate. Thankfully, landing on its intended target, the orange sauce and noodle mixture still arrived in a less than graceful way.

Immediately noticing the ambiance of the room, Rem lowered the chain she held leading to her morningstar.

Rem: YN-kun...

An expression of immense confusion covered her face from what she saw before her.

YN: Is... Is everything okay?

Still dumbstruck, Rem croaked out her words.

Rem: N-Nee-sama said YN-kun was cornered by a large spider...

YN: — — —

Unsure of what he should say to her, Rem nervously lowered her morningstar more and looked around the room, trying to gather what YN was doing in a candle lit room.

Rem: Umm... can Rem ask what YN-kun is doing in the room her and Nee-sama cleaned today?

Seeing the girl softly ask what everything was for, YN felt his cheeks become slightly more flushed. YN finally let Rem in on what he had been up to.

YN: Well, since we've been dating for a week now, I thought I'd make you a nice dinner to celebrate, but since that anniversary fell on your birthday too, I-I decided to do it the night before... So here we are.

Slowly, Rem put together the pieces. Looking around herself more, Rem analyzed what she had walked into.

The candles, the flowers, YN-kun's cooking, and even—!

While she at first hadn't understood why Ram insisted on her trying her new dress on the night before their birthday, it all suddenly made sense.

Rem: R-Rem's dress...!

Coming to the realization as she looked down at the dress she was asked to wear, a wave of shock went across Rem's face.

Rem: Y-YN-kun did all this for Rem?! A dinner?! A-An anniversary?!

Giving the blue haired girl a weak look, YN finished properly setting the table while he answered.

YN: Well, Ram, bless her heart, set up a lot of this on her own.

While still holding the hilt to her morningstar, Rem put her hand to her chin.

Rem: That would explain why Nee-sama wanted this room clean... But Rem still doesn't think she deserves this... Rem made YN-kun a cloak, but this was far more work to set up. Rem must find a way to repay YN and Nee-sama.

YN: Me and Ram I think are even, I cleaned the kitchen from the Chef's visit in exchange for this I'd say.

Rem: Nee-sama does dislike cleaning the kitchen... and this room was on our list of ones that needed to be cleared out.

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