Chapter 59: The Endless Eight - Part 5

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A/N: Another week, another chapter. More clues on YN's situation will be uncovered! Big shoutout again to tobychevy for catching a few of last week's spelling errors.

Chapter 59: The Endless Eight – Part 5

Awakening, YN was suddenly jolted awake by the pain he felt in his arm.

YN: Agh!

Sitting up from his laying down position, he quickly assessed his surroundings, finding himself in some sort of cell, having been laid down on a cot.

YN: Where am I...?

???: You are in my dwelling.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, YN's senses lit up, directing his vision to outside his cell where a man now stood.

Regally dressed in a black and deep purple suit, a tall man with pushed back, greying hair and equally colored sideburns and beard stood, looking down on YN. His sunken face and wrinkled forehead defined his older age.

Bowing, the man introduced himself.

Leo: My name is Leo the Merciful. And you? You are my hostage.

Behind the man appeared to be a magical laboratory of many arcane artifacts, stones, crystals, potions, books, etc.

Where the hell am I...

Quickly assessing and assuming his position, YN sat upright on the edge of the cot, holding his arm that still throbbed in pain.

YN: Odd that you could choose a simple helper to ransom off to a Royal Election Candidate. Why not just kidnap her instead?

Leo: Oh I happen to be under much different orders than you think. You are merely bait for the real prize.

Walking up to the cell, the man crossed his arms.

Leo: I was contracted to kill you, but I am betraying my client, as I can use you to catch a much more worthwhile prize.

Not enjoying the way this conversation was going, YN decided simply not to respond, but rather focus on finding a way to escape or signal his location to the others.

Concluding with a threat of booby traps outside, Leo left YN, saying he needed to work on a healing balm for his dislocated shoulder.

Damn this thing hurts...

Taking the sash around his waist of the Yukata, YN made a makeshift sling for his arm.

Before laying back down on the cot, he had attempted to look out the single barred window of his cell, only managing to tell he was several floors up and appeared to be outside the village.

I don't think that dragon took me far...

Wondering if Leo was some sort of shapeshifter, YN did his best to rest his mind and body, and await rescue from the others.


Leo: You've slumbered enough.

Giving two loud knocks on the bars, YN was awoken by the continued ring that reverberated through the iron. Looking out his barred window, it was clearly still night time.

At this point, he didn't know how long he'd been asleep.

Is it still the same night?

Leo: Now then, I've taken the responsibility of preparing an elixir that should relieve the pain.

Kneeling down, the middle aged man set a corked bottle inside YN's cell.

Giving the bottle a look of rejection, Leo anticipated YN's reaction.

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