t w e n t y - t w o

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"Hi there," I croaked. "Can I get some water? Please?"

Bucky jumped straight into action. He stood up and I took in my surroundings. I was in one of the medical beds. Bucky came back and helped me sit up. I hissed in pain and he looked at me concernedly.

"Can I please have some water before you become an overbearing mother hen?" I asked.

Bucky snorted and handed me the glass of water. I gulped it down greedily and handed it back to him.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Three days," Bucky said.

There was a moment of silence before Bucky spoke again.

"You are so goddamn lucky that List didn't hit an artery, or something vital," Bucky said angrily.

I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, y/n," Bucky snapped. "You could have died!"

"List is dead now," I said. "That's all that matters."

Bucky threw his arms up in the air in exasperation.

"No, y/n. What matters is that you're still alive! If you had – if he had –"

Bucky stopped talking and turned away.

"Bucky, look at me," I said.

Bucky turned back around I saw tears in his eyes. I motioned for him to come back. He did and he sat on the chair next to my bed. I took his hand in mine.

"I am safe," I said. "Yeah, I guess what I did was kind of stupid. I just – I wanted to end him, you know? To make sure that he didn't do it to anyone else, and to end him for hurting me."

Bucky squeezed my hand and pressed his lips to my knuckles.

"You scared the absolute shit out of me," he admitted.

"Why? Do you like me or something?" I asked.

Bucky smiled and rolled his eyes. I smiled back at him, before my smiled dropped.

"Wanda –"

"Is fine," Bucky said. "She was out for a day but she's perfectly fine now."

I nodded. Bucky stayed with me until Bruce came down to check on me. He took some tests and deemed that I wasn't going to die on the spot. I just had to take it easy, so that I didn't tear my stitches.

Once that was done, I was allowed to leave. I shakily stood on my feet with Bucky supporting me. I inhaled sharply at the pain in my left side when I stood on my left foot.

"Are you okay, Sweetheart?" Bucky asked me.

I nodded with my eyes squeezed closed.

"You don't look it," he said.

I flipped him off, my eyes still tightly closed.

"Do you want me to carry you?" Bucky asked.

I opened my eyes to look at him and nodded softly. Bucky braced my back and gently swept me into his arms. He waited for me as I adjusted in his arms. When I was comfortable, he began walking at a leisurely pace. He got into the elevator.

"Friday, please take us to our floor," Bucky said.

"But I want to see Wanda," I said. "And everyone else."

"You need rest, in your own bed," Bucky said.

"Bucky!" I whined. "I just want to say hello and assure them that I'm not dying a slow and painful death!"

Bucky scowled at me for a moment before sighing deeply. He told Friday to take us to the common room.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, everyone crowded around Bucky and I.

"Hey, guys, back off," Bucky said.

Bucky took me to one of the couches and sat me down. I winced at the pain in my side. Bucky glared at me and I glared right back.

"She's still injured, but she insisted on seeing you guys," Bucky said.

I poked my tongue out at him. Wanda came into my view and I smiled brightly at her.

"Wanda!" I said.

I reached out to her. She sat down on the couch next to me and hugged me gently.

"You're okay," I sniffled, not quite believing it.

"Thanks to you," she said.

I smiled at her, happy my friend was safe. I continued talking to my team for a while before Bucky took me back to my room. He lay me on my bed carefully, before getting up to go. I grabbed his hand, preventing him from leaving.

"Stay?" I whispered quietly.

Bucky smiled at me softly.

"Of course," he said.

Bucky got into bed with me, holding me close. I sighed happily, breathing in his scent. I fell asleep, safe and content in the arms of Bucky Barnes.

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