Chapter 30 - White Wolf Spirit

Start from the beginning

She tried to speak and voice her anger but only growls and sneezes came out.

Aala what is this? Is this some kind of sick joke?

She asked the wolf angrily.

No answer came to her.


She shouted mentally and out loud, which came out as a desperate howl.

Is it that strange to believe, Alexis?" Aala asked her.

This is impossible Aala, I'm not a werewolf. I'm human!

Come on, Alexis. Even you don't believe that.

Alexis sneezed in irritation, which seemed to be most she could do in her wolf form.

Let's think about this, Alexis. You have a mate, and not just any mate, an Alpha. You can read in moon tongue, you were having visions about a white wolf and you possibly have healing powers!" Aala said in a harsh tone.

That doesn't exactly read human to me, now does it?

There she went mocking Alexis once again.

Enough Aala.

Alexis said, fed up with her wolf.

She took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

Fine. Let's say that maybe I am a lycanthrope...How could this be possible? Both my parents are human!



Alexis felt her eyes tear up.

Unless my parents aren't human.

"Hm... parent. In this case, it only takes one to tango." Aala joked lamely.

Alexis rolled her eyes.

Well, it obviously has to be my mother, seeing as dad and I aren't genetically related. But... How could she not know she's a Lycan?

Alexis couldn't understand how her mother could spend her whole life not knowing she was a moon creature.

More silence.


More tears came to her eyes.

She wouldn't hide this from me, would she?

Sensing Alexis's feeling of betrayal, Aala tried to comfort her. "I don't know Alexis, perhaps this is a talk you should have with her. I'm sure she will give you a good reason"

Aala I can't go back there... You said so yourself it's not safe.

It's not safe for you to be in your wolf form, Alexis. No one can know you are a pure white wolf.

A pure white wolf? What does that even mean?

"You have much to learn and so little time." Aala said with a sigh.

"Pure white wolves are a very rare nearly extinct bloodline. Much like the pure black wolf bloodline, we descend from one of the strongest packs that ever existed."

Alexis nodded, wanting Aala to continue her explanation.

"With the war, we were targeted much more than the pure black wolves, almost every single one of us was wiped out. Except for your mother."

A shiver ran down Alexis's spine.

So having people know I'm from the white wolf bloodline might put me and others in danger? Alexis asked.

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