three-Alice & Tim

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Wraith slipped into her room, exhausted beyond measure. She had been running around Gotham, catching ghosts that she didn't notice the sun had begun to rise up. She tore the mask from her face and breathed before diving onto her bed with her head buried in her pillows.

"The Well–B cure is in process."

"Thank you, Celia." Alice said, her voice muffled by her pillow. She heard the familiar ding, and sat up and went to her desk where a tube came up and slid open. A blue liquid was in the small tube, and once Celia gave the green light, Alice took it out and pulled the zipper of her suit down, leaving her shoulder exposed. She watched as the antidote disappeared through the needle and into her system.

"Stability complete."

The ravenhead placed the empty needle onto the table and dragged herself back to her bed. Feeling the energy within her body draining every second. She never felt this tired before whenever she used her powers. But with these newfound powers, not only did it take all of her physical energy, it had weakened her mentality as well.

Alice Welbert was a broken child coming from a broken home.

The thick walls around her mind had cracks from the endurance she grew to have in order to survive within the house of horrors. With every punch and kick she received, the more they began to crumble down.

She suffered from hallucinations— seeing things until she had to decipher whether they're real or not. Sometimes Alice wasn't even sure if some of her memories were real. This caused her to ask the girls some questions from time to time, and Malia advised her to create a journal so she could keep track of her memories. In doing so, Alice created Celia.

Named after her through an anagram to help her store some datas and research.

And her homework.

Celia was everywhere. In every form of technology she could get her hands on, as long as Alice carried her chip with her. One tap on a tech surface and Celia would easily hijack it.

But even Celia was not enough.

Her health was deteriorating and Alice, at one point, had accepted that she was a lost cause until she was taken in her sleep by Lex Luthor. She never knew why he did, but he was the one who was able to utilize her madness into a weapon and unlocked the umbrakinesis and cryokinesis within her.

He helped her control her powers to an extent, but when her madness had taken control of them, Luthor created an antidote, calling it the 'Well–B'  cure based on an inside joke they had when they were working on it together. It helped to keep the madness at bay and didn't drive her to a killing frenzy.

Explaining to Malia and the others was not fun, but they were glad that there was still hope for her to continue on living a normal life. It's not permanent, but it's better than nothing.

However, Alice did not sign up to gain a new one after years trying to control her current powers. She figured it must've been that red substance from the Phantomania. It did something to her body, merging with her metagene before the explosion knocked her out which would explain her latest ability.


As if she doesn't feel invisible enough.

The car outside halted in the driveway. Alice lifted her head enough to see Malia stepping out of the vehicle since Alice knew Bruce must've asked her to stay after the attack and went back to burying her face on her pillow just as they shared a kiss. Once he drove away, Alice went downstairs to meet her halfway.

Drama | T.D, D.G, J.T, D.W (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now