Chapter 4: Losing my ring

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"Hello my lovely Sugarlings! Today I am going to show you all how to make a vanilla chiffon cake. This cake can get tricky, so I suggest following these instructions close. At least for the egg white portion. So, let's start! The cake can be relatively tricky to make because the egg whites cannot have any fat in them whatsoever. And, you have to mix them to a certain stiffness. Once the egg whites reach a medium peak, they can be incorporated gently in to the rest of the ingredients. A medium peak is when the egg whites will stick up like a mountain, but the top droops over. Kinda like a Tim Burton mountain."

My hands get really messy when baking, and I don't wear my promise ring because of it. I don't want to get it dirty. So, I took it off and laid it on the counter before starting the video. I get some comments wondering about the ring, or why I take it off when I bake but I have it on in Nathan's videos sometimes.

"Now, we have to gently fold this in. Honestly, it might be a good idea to use your hands for some of this. Once all the egg whites are in, then you can stick your hands in. Only use a little bit of egg whites at once. We put a lot of air in them and we don't wanna aggressively mix or we'll squeeze out the air. Remember, small amounts."

Once the chiffon is all mixed in and safely poured into it's tube pan before sliding it into my oven, I let out a big sigh.  "Now let that bake and we'll check in with that later."

I stop recording and wipe my face with a messy hand. James walks in and sees me with a big smear of chiffon on my cheek. He walks up and kisses my clean one.

"Tough video?"

"Yeah. Chiffon cakes are always tough. You have to get so many little parts of the recipe just right, or it won't come out right."

"I'm sure you did good. Can I try it when it comes out of the oven?"

"First piece is all yours," I chuckle before I kiss him tenderly on the lips.

My timer goes off and I check on the cake. A toothpick tells me it's done and I pull it out of the oven. I shove James out of the kitchen and turn my camera back on before dust with sanding sugar.

"There you go. A vanilla chiffon cake. And as a final thought, I'm going to give this a taste test. Can my tester come in here, please?" I call, hoping James hears me and comes in.

"Yo, you guys wanna try some cake?" James yells out the door.

"Yeah!" Jordan yells back. All five swarm in to the kitchen, standing around my cake.

"I wasn't expecting a whole" party. Excuse me, I need in to cut the cake." I squeeze my way to the cake and cut slices for all the guys and myself.

"This boy bussin!" Nathan yells after taking a bite.

"Glad y'all like it. Well, there you go. It's been given the stamp of approval by my definitely qualified taste testers. Hope you all have a good day and keep baking!" I turn off my camera and turn to the five guys around me. "What now?"

"We need to film a classroom video. You wanna be in it?" Cedrick asks.

"Sure. What do I need to do?"

"Why don't you be the teacher? You'll probably be a better one than James was," Gabe says, directing it mainly at James.

"Fine, I'll be your teacher. Now get upstairs or you'll be late."

We all head upstairs and I get dressed to look like a teacher. I grab some nice slacks and a blazer out of my closet with an Unspeakable shirt underneath. Plus, some sneakers. I pull my hair back in a bun and, for the heck of it, slide on a pair of glasses with a chain going around my neck. I feel like a very strict teacher. 

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