Chapter 3: Left Hanging

Comenzar desde el principio

"Thanks Babe," he whispers back. Then he's out on the barrels. "Stabilization," he says as he pushes off the wooden support beam and onto the first barrel.

Gabe has made it to the other end of his magical kayak journey. "I didn't fall. I made it. We're good. There's a lot of rope going on over here."

"Dude, there's no way you can run across this fast." James is standing with one foot on the barrel, his arms spread wide. 

"I believe." Words of encouragement from Nathan.

"Duh duh dun," James hums, trying to balance himself fully on the first barrel. He makes a big step to the second barrel, arms still spread wide for balance. He starts wobbling, and of course Nathan makes a comment.

"Oh, is he gonna fall? Is he gonna fall? Come on! Lower your center of gravity!"

James grabs onto the harness as he moves his back foot. "Transfer!"

"I believe in you James!" Gabe yells support. "Look, I'm even moving the kayak for you.

"Are you moving the barrels?" James yells back at us.

"I'm not touching anything, dude," Nathan calls back at the same time Gabe says, "No one's touching it.

Nathan starts chuckling as James steps to the third barrel, gripping the harness. Nathan's laugh increases in volume as he wobbles on the third barrel before bringing his other foot up. 

"Yo, that lid's not even on." James makes an excuse as he steps to the fourth barrel. 

"It's only going to get harder from here," Nathan says, looking at the camera.

"Oh please no," I say. "I don't wanna fall yet!"

"Watch the slipperiness," Gabe states while James steps to the final barrel. He's made it.

"Yay!" Gabe cheers as Nathan starts on his journey across the barrels.

"I've made it."

"Good job Sugar!" I yell.

As Nathan starts his attempt on the barrels, James starts on the 'magic kayak'. "To Narnia," he says before he, too, starts flying across on the boat.

"That one looks so easy. This one looks terrible," Nathan says while gesturing to the barrels.

"You haven't even gone yet. It's your turn," I say, shoving him toward the barrel bridge.

"Dude, I can feel the wind in my nostrils. I'm like, low-key scared."

"Well, go. If you don't go then you forfeit the challenge."

"Alright, let's see if you can do it," I hear James say from his safety platform.

Nathan, much to my surprise, gets down on the ground to try and crawl across the barrels like that. Well, as close to the ground as he can since the harness is keeping him up. 

He gets compared to a snake or a crab, and I can't help but laugh.

"Move, Nathan, so I can go. Or I'm taking a different route."

He continues to crawl across, sitting on the barrels. Gabe and James convince him to remove his hands from the wires. They claim he's hanging there, but he claims he's sitting. He hasn't fallen yet. Nathan has difficulty getting over the final two barrels. He eventually crawls his way onto the platform and it's my turn. I look at them and take a small step onto the first barrel.

"Nope," I say before grabbing onto my safety harness with one hand and slowly making my way across.

"Yay, more cheating!" Gabe cheers.

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