Chapter 2: I Get Stuck in Cardboard

Start from the beginning

"Good thing we got here when we did."

The guys all start walking toward the box, ready to get in and start filming, seemingly forgetting about me.

"What am I supposed to do?" I pipe up from behind them all. They all turn around and see me standing there.

"I thought you had a video you were recording today. I didn't know you were joining us here. Uh, what can you do?" Nathan starts tapping his chin with a finger. "Do you think you'd wanna help us break out? I mean, there's not that much room inside, but it could work."

"That sounds too dangerous," I say. "What if I was the one that trapped you in there and give you weapons. Kinda like a JustDustin video?"

"That sounds cool," Cedrick pipes up as he's climbing into the box.

"You need anything, (Y/n)?" Jordan asks as he walks toward a ladder so he can get some good overhead shots.

"Yeah. A mat so I can fall backwards off the wall."

"Babe, that sounds dangerous. The walls aren't meant to hold up an entire person."

"Well, lucky for you, I'm light." I walk off to find the tumbling mat so I don't seriously hurt myself falling onto my back from over six feet up onto a concrete floor.

When I get back, the guys are already filming the video. I let the tumbling mat flop onto the ground and throw more padding and pillows on top. I really don't wanna get hurt. Then I make my way up the ladder where Jordan is sitting on a small intentionally designed ledge so he can film.

"How's it going?" I whisper in his ear while standing on the ladder.

"Going good. We're just trying to keep James out of the shots until we're supposed to. It's how we're showing James is back on the channel. He's supposed to say he was trapped in here for three weeks."

His breath tickles my ear, and I laugh lightly. "Glad it's going good, but wouldn't it be easier to just keep James out of the box before he's supposed to be seen? Might be easier for you guys."

"I guess none of us thought of it."

"What's going on up there?" Nathan yells up.

"Sorry! Just checking with Jordan about how filming was going!"

James is looking up at us, and I can tell he saw Jordan and I whispering to each other. He's glaring at Jordan, but I don't think Jordan notices. He's too busy fiddling with his camera. I laugh at James before showing him the ring on my finger. He smiles back and gives me a wink.

"Ok, we're ready for the next shot. Quiet up top please?" Cedrick directs, casting a look up at Jordan and I. Jordan and I both start laughing and I try to muffle my laughs behind my hand. James looks back up us, and I give a bright smile at him before quieting down so they can continue filming. Once there's a break in the dialogue, Jordan taps my shoulder and I know it's my chance to speak.

"Well, how are you doing, gentlemen?" I had walked along the frame, careful not to fall, until I was standing on the cardboard. "How do you like my challenge?"

"It's easy," Nathan speaks up. "We're already halfway through."

"You've been beating the wall with a paper shredder. Do you want any help?" I ask as I toss them a box cutter and serrated saws. "Good luck," I say before I spread my arms out and fall off the cardboard onto my cushions.

The cameras cut and James yells, "Babe! Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Sugar. It was all part of the plan."

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