Chapter 2

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3rd POV

It had been a month now, everyone knew the loop was broken, they had seemed to put the past behind them. Mending broken relationships over the past month and fixing up the old studio, and nailing up the exit doors in case anyone was to enter. They couldn't leave, because even if they were to exit the building, they were still Shamed and defaced, Scathed and disgraced, and none of it could be erased. (...see what I did there)

Except there was one soulless being that had not yet talk to anyone, they hid whenever he was near, know how he didn't seem to really care about the loop being broken, he acted like a sleep deprived teenager living sad and alone. Just walking all over the building and mostly just sitting in his throne room watching the screens and only occasionally walking to get a can of soup before chugging it going back to where he was before. They were afraid of what he would do to them, and Henry still seemed to be a little on edge, he had no idea if the demon would pop out of a wall somewhere. Sammy had stayed in the infirmity with some of the others trying to help him, after finding out his back had been broken from a huge impact they decided he'd have to stay in there for a couple weeks.

Bendy's POV

It was weird, the loop had not reset yet, everyone was suddenly remember past loops and gaining free will. I always remembered the loop, I never had any control over what I did, but I was able to remember. Everyone's been avoiding me, I guess that's fair, I did kill and scare them, I ripped Normans head off,  killed Sammy, and chased Henry down the halls. I really don't feel as if I should be allowed to even repair any chance of friendship with anyone. It's best if I just avoid them, but I hope Sammy's okay, I think I hurt him when I fell.

I continue to walk down the halls that were as quiet as a mous... No not a mous... A cat staring at you dead eye staring at you while you sleep. Something about mice and stuff just hurts my head to think about, like I knew something about a mou-mouse but my head just doesn't want me to know about it, I have tried saying the word but I can't, ended up coughing blood or a type of dark black liquid...

I turned around the corner but fell back... I look up to see Sammy freaking out and apologizing like he slapped Joey. I pushed Sammy off and walked away, I hated talking to him. I looked back, he was following me, he kept quiet. I noticed he had a sling around his left arm, I immediately  felt bad, I had hurt him when I fell down and on top of that had shoved him harshly when he was already injured. I tried to push down the guilt and decided to try and just ignore it. I glanced back to see he was still following me. "Sammy go away, stop following", I tried to make it sound somewhat harsh so he would get the idea I was annoyed.

I heard him walk faster going in front of me to enter a door labeled as his office, wait how did I get down to his department, oh well now I feel even worse, he was just trying to get in his office and I was rude.

Sammy's POV

I was in my room, I was staying away from my Lord, he clearly doesn't want me near him.

"Knock knock"

"Who's there" I reply, it's probably just Jack and Norman coming to tell me when the next meeting for the book club is. "guess what Joey did?", I heard them reply but it didn't sound like Jack or Norman, "what'd he do" I answered being sarcastic, "he 'Drew'", I started laughing at that, it was a pretty good joke, cheesy but still a good one. "Pffft, that was a good one, come in", I was a little upset a minute ago, but that... It was a good joke, I haven't heard a joke in forever.

"How are you doing Sammy"... Wait my Lord came down here just to see me, why? "Go-good, you", I hate that I like him, I stutter at everything I say to him.

Bendy's POV

I walked up to Sammy's office door, I should probably try and make up for how I treated him, what should I say, how does a regular person knock, guess I could make a joke. I made a knock knock joke about Joey's last name and it went pretty well, Sammy's laugh was pretty cute when he's not trying to be all serious.

"Go-good, you", it was a lie, he's faking...

"Why don't you tell me the truth Sammy", I knew that he wasn't okay, or he wouldn't be on the floor talking with sadness in his voice. "I guess I'm just a little out of touch with everything, I spent 30 years just praising you, and now you don't need me, and everyone's free of the loop, what am I suppose to do now?", I felt a little upset, knowing he felt that I didn't need him, but to be honest, I did need him, I may think he's annoying but not having him bug me day to day would hurt. He started to cry, I slightly grabbed him, and held him close, I rubbed circles in his back and slightly let him go when his breathing calmed down, I noticed he was asleep and laid him down on his bed that he stole from the infirmity near by, "The thing is... I do need you Sam, I don't know what I'd do if you disappeared from my life".

I then left and went back to the throne room. For the first time in a while I fell a asleep, thinking about My prophet, and he will never belong to anyone else in this dreadful studio.

The Prophets Savior (BendyxSammy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin