My Sunshine

23 2 0

This is set a year after their first date, just want to be clear. 

"Wake up Neeks, it's almost time for breakfast." Will trying to jostle him awake, much to his annoyance because seriously can I just sleep in until two just once?

"Wiiiilllll, we've talked about this. Sleep first, other innecessities second, that includes food."

"Food isn't an innecessity silly. Come on, get up."

"Do I have to?" Nico whines, burrowing deeper into the blankets causing Will's heart to melt. Why does he have to be so cute?

"If you do we would have time to get breakfast from out, as in the mortal world." Nico shot up at the suggestion, his eyes bright and hopeful.

"We could get actual food? Not the constantly healthy stuff here?"

"Of course! Pancakes, syrup, butter, waffles, greasy bacon, the works." He teases, loving how his boyfriend's eyes light up at the thought. Neeks is biting his lip at the thought of finally getting some sweet buttery unhealthy food.

"I'll be ready to go in five," he says excitedly, running to the bathroom.

True to his word Nico was out and dressed five minutes later, dark blue almost black skinny jeans, his denim jacket, and black shirt. The one Will knew had white angel wings on the back, it fit him perfectly.

"Where should we go? IHop? Dennys?"

"I was thinking First Watch? Don't they have that umm... oh Belgian waffle! You loved it last time we went."

"Hmmm, that was one of the best waffles I have ever tasted. First Watch it is!" Will says with a smile, grabbing his boyfriend's hand as he shadow travels to the restaurant.

"That still gives me chills, why can't shadow traveling be more pleasant?"

"You want food or not Glow Boy?"

"Stop cal- yes please."

"That's what I thought," Nico says smugly, kissing Will's cheek before walking inside.

With a thinly veiled look of judgment from the hostess, they were seated in a corner booth. Probably so the hostess could ignore them most efficiently, arsehole, but they got their order's in quickly and the service was good. 

They saw a movie afterward, going light on the popcorn. Regrettably, Nico has to shadow travel them back to Camp once it ended, counselor's work is never ever ever done.

Stupid responsibilities not letting me steal my own boyfriend away for the day.

Cuddling up with Star Wars playing was worth it though. They're legs intertwined and arms wrapped firmly around each other. Will sore from trying to hold down an Ares kid so Kayla could finish his stitches, Nico tired from having to deal with both Leo and Percy's combined stupidity. 
So listening to each other's breathing with a semi-quiet sound of Padmé shooting people in the background was exactly what both of them needed. 

Especially when Nico presses something small and cool into Will's palm.

He looks down at a pendant on a chain and back up at his significant annoyance, Nico's eyes staying firmly on the TV.

It was beautiful, a golden sunflower with ornate black detailing on a delicate chain. One of Neeks's hands covers his, slim pale fingers slowly and gently pushing the pendant in two revealing a silver circle engraved with the words "you are my sunshine" in stunning cursive.

"Nico... it's beautiful."

"I-i found the design online, thought it would be much better quality if I did it rather than some cheap seller."

"You- you made this?" Will asks tentatively, peering over at Nico to see the teen with a blush gracing his cheeks and lower lip caught between his teeth.

"Well... more me and Hazel, but ya. Do you like it?" There was anxiety in his eyes, looking at Will but refusing to meet his gaze. Will didn't know how to respond, Nico got him a gorgeous necklace that practically says Neek loves him more than anything (even if he was really annoying sometimes, but turnaround it fair pla- hmm...) 

"I just thought-" he was cut off by a pair of chapped lips pressing softly against his, Sunshine's hand cupping his jawline.

"It's perfect" Will mumbles against his lips, diving back in for another kiss, and another, and another. Their mouths locked in an achingly familiar dance. 

Two days later Nico finds a bracelet on his nightstand, black leather, probably enchanted not to break, that fits perfectly. With "stars can't shine without shadows ❦" in beautiful silver lettering.


Your dork, a small voice inside his head whispers. 

My stupid precious dork, he agreed.

One of a kindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें