Dormi bene

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Will... wasn't having a good day. Five different people had gotten injuries from the climbing wall and several more from a training session with the Ares kids. The only good thing about today was that Nico was helping out again. You know, Doctor's orders...

Nico has become the best part of a lot of his days recently.

Will was really lucky to have him, Nico had already brought him food (kinda hypocritical but he was too hungry to care, plus it got Neeks to eat too), helped him with patients, and calmed him down from two panic attacks. Nico... he was just incredible.

After hearing what he went through, the trust issues he's bound to have... Death boy opening up to him was just amazing. It started slowly, just being more honest about his pain. Things just... evolved after that. Will couldn't imagine how he got through some days without Nico by his side.

"Need some help, Sunny?" A familiar surprisingly soft voice asks, hardly sarcastic at all.

"Shut it and help already," Will growls. He has been trying to give a young daughter of Eirene, the goddess of peace and spring, stitches for the past twenty minutes.

"Hi, what's your name?" Nico strikes a conversation with the girl, whose name turned out to be Mirna. From what he can hear while trying to focus on the stitches Nico was telling her all about Persephone's garden in the underworld, Will could tell she was completely captivated.

Will couldn't be happier that Nico was able to keep her calm the rest of the time, he was about to duck tape Mirna to the bed if that was what it would take. Maybe get an Ares kid to hold her down.

"Don't fall asleep yet Glowstick." Neek nudges him, the smirk evident in his voice. Will groans, Nico was never gonna let that go.

"Can you please stop calling me that?" Will whines, lifting his head up from the table next to Mirna's cot, who already got to fall asleep.

"Not a chance, come on now. Let's get you to a proper bed before you pass out Sunshine."

"Mm-hm, good idea." He mutters, stumbling out of his chair and leaning heavily on Nico. Normally Will would never do that because he knew about Nico's aversion to physical contact, but right now his brain was mush and Nico wasn't pulling away. Something he would have overthought a lot if his brain was working.

"Ya, you're staying with me tonight. And you reprimand me for not sleeping enough or overworking." Neek snorts, wrapping an arm around Will's torso and practically dragging Will across camp to the Hades cabin. He slightly enjoyed flicking Will whenever he started to drift off.

"Thiss isn't the Ahollo cabin," Will slurs, looking around the newly redecorated cabin.

"Nope wanted to make sure you actually slept tonight." He chuckles, letting Will fall onto the spare bed usually reserved for Hazel.

"Hmm... soft." His voice muffled by the smooth sheets, curling into himself.

Convinced that Will had already passed out, Nico grabbed a pair of pajamas and changed. Moving to check on Will before going to sleep himself.

Nico brushed back a bit of hair that fell into Will's eye, grinning to himself at his peaceful expression. Freezing when Will made a slight whine when he pulled away.



"Stay, doctor's orders and all that sh*t..." Will says, eyes fluttering open ever so slightly and yawning.

"If you're sure..." Will nods, he slips next to him. Will soon curling up next to him and resting his head on Nico's chest.

"Warm." Was the only explanation he did, not that Nico minded. Normally he didn't like people touching him but Will was... different, Nico knew that he could be honest with him and he could trust Will. Sure, the fact that he found Will gorgeous and endearing may have helped too...

Surprisingly, Nico began doing something he refused to do for years, sing.

"Le notti senza Pelle. I sogni senza stelle. Immagini del tuo viso. Che passano all'improvviso." Nico softly started, only half realizing what he was doing.

"Mi fanno sperare ancora. Che ti troverò. Adagio. Chiudo gli occhi e vedo te. Trovo il cammino che. Mi porta via. Dall'agonia. Sento battere in me. Questa musica che. Ho inventato per te."

"Beautifull..." Will murmurs, smiling softly as Nico blushes and stumbles before stopping. "Mm... keep going..." he whines, curling closer to his crush.

"S-se sai come trovarmi. Se sai dove cercarmi. Abbracciami con la mente. Il sole mi sembra spento. Accendi il tuo nome in cielo. Dimmi che ci sei. Quello che vorrei. Vivere in te." The son of Hades finishes, smiling unashamedly as Will falls asleep.

"Dormi bene, mio ​​caro pezzo di merd- Solare." He whispers into the dark, leaning down and kissing Will's forehead gently. 

What was Will doing to him

I'm using google translate, my sincerest apologizes for quite possibly butchering Italian

Dormi bene, mio ​​caro pezzo di merd(a) - Sleep well, my dear little piece of sh*t
Solare - look at the pin at the top 

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