Part 11

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Bucky: i have to disappoint you y/n. You will not kill me today.

You start running forward him and fight him.

Bucky: you got a lot of stronger damn.

He is about to kick you but you grab his arm and pull him with your powers back.

Bucky: what.. the...

Sam: fuck was THAT!? She has powers now!?

All: what???

Bucky: y/n... you don't wanna do this! You- you still in there.. i believe in you.. fight it!

Blackhead: who the hell is y/n?

Tony: okay that's it i'm coming down.

Steve: avengers build a circle around her that she can't escape anymore!

You still fight with bucky till you have him on the ground.

Bucky: what is your mission?

Blackhead: to kill bucky barnes. And everyone who gets in my way.

Steve: peter try something to trigger her memories.

Peter: uhm do you still have the necklace!?

Steve: hey! Look here! Look at this!

You look back and for a short moment you can remember a little thing but then you feel a needle in your arm and you turn to Bucky.

Bucky: i'm sorry doll

Blackhead: no... what did you do.

You try to stand up but bucky holds you down with him.

Bucky: shh... doll

Blackhead: no.. let me go!

He holds you back.
You slowly fall asleep in his arms and he brings you back to the headquarter. He puts you in a cell because nobody knows how you would react when you wake up.

Later the day

Peter: C-Can I go and see her please?

Tony: kid..

Peter: please she's my sister and-

Tony: fine go kid.

Peter goes to you and sees you asleep on the bed in the cell.

Peter: oh y/n... i'm so sorry for everything...

A few minutes later bucky comes down to your cell.

Bucky: oh hey man i didn't know you were here. I'll come back later.

Peter: oh no don't worry come here. Do you think we get my sister back?

Bucky: i'll do anything for your sister. We'll get her back.

Peter: you know.. when she wakes up... she will be an completely mess...

Bucky: i know...

You slowly start to wake up and look around.

Blackhead: james! Peter! Why- why am I in a cell??

Peter: y/n is that really you???

Blackhead: who should it be?

Bucky: is it really you y/n?

Blackhead: yes james! Let me out please!

Peter: how do we let her out???

Bucky: easy. We don't let her out.

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