Chapter 27: Family Meetings

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Chapter 27: Family Meetings

Charlie Rawdon, the future Earl of Rothford, was fidgeting and beginning to make sounds of whining discontent.

Jason studied the action from opposite his betrothed, finding amusement in the way Nicola's face clenched with pained confusion as she balanced the infant on her knees, her hands splayed against his tiny back and head.

She looked decidedly uncomfortable.

Beautiful, but uncomfortable.

"Perhaps I should take him from you," Diana said quietly, edging closer to Nicola from where she sat beside her on the settee in the parlour. She set her teacup down on the table and began to reach for her son, but Nicola shook her head.

"It is fine, really." She did not, Jason thought, sound fine. "You should enjoy your tea, while you can and while it is still hot."

Diana didn't put up much of an argument as she slouched back slightly, exhaustion and sadness warring over her face. They had convened in the parlour after dinner that night with the intention to formulate a strategy over the impending visitation of Wilhelmina, who had no doubt some vile announcement of her own that would impact the progression of his and Nicola's nuptials.

"Perhaps he just needs a cake," Blanche supplied happily from Nicola's other side, peering at Charlie as if he were some interesting bug she had found on the ground.

"Babies do not eat cake, Blanche," Kathleen sighed.

Charlie protested most loudly at that news. Nicola's eyes filled with panic. "I'm just not sure what to do with him," she admitted sheepishly. "What does he want?"

Jason supplied the answer to that, most unwelcomingly it seemed. "I assume he wants what most men want."

"Continue with that train of thought, boy," Kathleen murmured darkly, "and you'll find Charlie spending the night in your chambers tonight."

"Who says I won't welcome the company?" Jason retorted. "It's about time Northwick had more of a male presence."

Charlie opened his small mouth and let out a sharp wail at that, much to Nicola's horror. She held him aloft awkwardly, as if the small, swaddled buddle may explode in her hands, before Kathleen rose and relieved her of her burden.

Promptly dumping him in Jason's arms. He didn't mind, however, and proceeded to cuddle the boy close to his chest. Nestled, Charlie stilled. He threw Nicola a pointedly smug look, yet for whatever reason that uniquely intriguing expression washed over her features- the look she had given him last night while they had danced, right before she had insinuated to him that they meet somewhere in private.

"Now that he is settled," Kathleen said, disrupting his contemplations, "we should discuss how to broach Wilhelmina's impending visit."

Indeed, Jason thought, but he would rather chew rusty nails than put Nicola threw that ordeal again. His actions the night before had been carefully deliberate to ensure that his intentions were well known; that Nicola was favoured by his family and friends alike. Word would have gotten to Wilhelmina and he had been anticipating this reaction, and how he would deal with it.

As it turned out, Nicola wasn't quite done surprising him just yet. Her expression cleared and she turned to Kathleen, calmly astute. She looked so proud, so femininely exquisite, perched on the edge of her seat with her stiffly poised shoulders and proud chin. A proper lady- mostly. "I would like to meet with Lady Wilhelmina," she said to the room, "alone."

A few beats of silence met her announcement.

"You're either terribly brave," Blanche snarked, "or terribly stupid."

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