Chapter 16: Victory comes with a price

Start from the beginning

"Peeta, do you have anything to say?" Katniss asks her husband. Peeta is sitting with them, very still with a look of disbelief on his face.

"I don't know what to say. My daughter went into the games to save the one she loves. You make me think about myself when I went into the games but you went one step farther than I did. You were on the verge of death. You scared me so much. I can't see my life without my wonderful, brave, smart, daughter," Peeta says.

"Dad, that's so sweet. I promise never to say anything like that again. I miss all of you so much. I will be home soon," I say. I blow kisses to them and they blow kisses back. Finnick ends the call and the avox leaves the room.

"Thanks for setting that up," I say to Finnick. He smiles and hugs.

"Calix is going to come in soon and get you dressed. The victor ceremony is at two," Finnick says.

"Okay. Thanks," I say. Finnick gets off the bed and leaves. I sit there and work with my new hand till the door opens and Calix comes in.

"It's great to see you, Diana. Alive," Calix says.

"Thanks. So what is my outfit like?" I ask him. He opens a bag that was behind his back and takes out an ocean blue dress with long sleeves, blue heels, long blue gloves, and a gold belt.

Diana's victory outfit

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Diana's victory outfit

I slowly get out of bed and almost fall as my feet touch the ground. I have not walked in two weeks. Calix helps me into the outfit and when we finish with the dress, gloves, shoes, and belt Calix pulls out a locket with the engraving of a bow and arrow out from his pocket.

"My locket!" I say with joy. Calix smiles and puts it on my neck.

"You made it out my goddess of the hunt," Calix says. I smile and we hug. A little while after Effie walks in and escorts me out into a room that looks just like a launch room. I close my eyes and let the flashbacks start-up and die down.

"Are you alright darling?" Effie asks me.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just feel like I'm going in all over again," I say.

"Well, you're never going to have to go into the games again. When you get up there just be happy to see Adrien but don't show your new arm. He doesn't know. We want you to reveal it when Ceasar asks you what they did to your arm," Effie says.

"Got it. I am just ready to get this done and over with so we can go home," I say.

"You will but just remember, you have now won and are the only Victor's of your district so you will be mentors till you can get another kid to win and you both share the responsibility. I will help you of course," Effie says.

"Thanks, Effie for everything," I say. I go over to her and hug her. She is a little surprised by my act of affection but she hugs me back. She leaves with Calix and I am alone in the launch room. I go over to the wall on my right and lean my head against it. I feel drawn to the wall as if there is someone behind it connected to me. I hear as my prep team and Adrien's prep team are being brought on stage, then there is Finnick? They allowed him to be part of our victory ceremony. Then there is Calix and Adrien's stylist. I get on the launch pad and look up with a serious face. I rise slowly and when I get up to the top I am showered with light. I hear people cheering and clapping. I look to my right and find Adrien looking at me from his launchpad. He has his hand on his mouth in disbelief.

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