Chapter eleven: the blood bath

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Diana Point Of View

TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX, FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, the gong sounds. I run as fast as I can away from the cornucopia. Right now my plan is to climb a tree and hide. I find a tree with many leaves. I climb up and watch the fight at the cornucopia. I look for Adrien but I don't see him. That's good. I wait till all the tributes in the bloodbath are either distracted or dead and then I make my move. I jump out of the tree and run into the bloodbath. I flip over two tributes fighting. A girl starts throwing knives at me but I dodged them and did a few cartwheels to avoid them. I end up at the cornucopia and grab the bow and arrows I was looking at and a sword and a backpack. I run and some of the tributes run after but they get caught up by other tributes. I keep running and climb a very tall tree. I open the bag I grabbed and look inside. A first a kit, bottle for water, fruit, a heat absorbent sleeping bag and night glasses. My mom told me about them. She would tell me when we go hunting in the dark sometimes. "Remember Diana, if you are in the arena, try and find the night vision glasses. they will help you see at night. They look just like sun glasses," I put the glasses on my head and put the food back into the bag. I look around and see if I can shoot an animal. I sit in the tree in the silence for about two hours and then the canons sound. I count how many there are. I hear ten canons go off. I hope Adrien isn't one of those kids. I soon find a rabbit and shoot it. I decide not to cook it in case someone is around. I go back up into my tree and eat my raw rabbit. As I finish my meal, I hear a group of people running and laughing. I then see a boy my age with blond hair run up a tree by mine. I hide but find a spot where I can see what is happening. I look to see who the boy is and I look right into the eyes of the boy I love. Adrien. I look down at the people after him and see the career pack. Shit. I have a good angle on all the careers, I think I should take them down right now, it will take care of the career pack that we need to worry about. Before I do anything though,  the antem of Panem comes on. We all watch the tributes that have died. Adrien and I look at each other in the middle of it all and I mouth one word. Run. He shakes his head no. Stubborn, one of the things I love about him. I point to my bow and arrows and motion that I will shoot the others. His eyes go wide. Did I do something? He has never looked at me like that then his expression goes serious and he nods. The anthem ends and the careers look back at Adrien. 

Adrien's point of view

Lets recap on what I have been doing in the arena. When the canon sounded I ran away from the cornucopia and went to the tree line. I saw Diana do the same thing but she climbed up a tree. I feel really bad about what happened last night but can't worry about that now. I wait till the bloodbath is over and when I see the Careers leave their camp by the weapons. They are really stupid to be leaving them there. What I didn't notice was one of them had to come back and get something. I grabbed my axes and backpack right as they were coming into the clearing. They see me and I run. Now I am stuck in a tree with Diana in one about ten yards from mine. She has just told me to run and she will shoot them. I love her, she is so protective. When the antem ends I look back at the career pack. 

"Hey guys. It's a great view up here. Come on up and we can look at the sky together," I say with a smirk. 

"Very funny ax boy. Or is it lover boy junior?" A boy says. He has dark brown hair and grey eyes. Around our age. 

"Very funny Hawthorne, shouldn't you be going after Diana because it was her parents that made your dads life hell. Oh wait, that was his fault," I say. I look at Diana and her eyes open wide. I guess she thought I was serious. 

"Maybe I will," He says. 

"I was kidding Griffin. I won't let you kill the girl I love," I say. 

"Very sweet. Who do you think should kill you?" Griffin asks me. 

"I don't know. But I do know who should kill you," I say. I nod my head so Diana knows when to shoot. 

"And who is that?" The boy from four asks. Suddenly an arrow apprears in his chest. Then other arrows appear in both the tributes from one and four. Leaving the kids from two. Griffin and a girl. The girl runs but Griffin stays. I begin jumping from tree to tree but as I get a safe distance from Griffin and Diana. I watch as Diana jumps out of the tree from fifty feet in the air. The rest is a blur. I soon climb down the tree I am in and run farther from where I was. I don't stop. I run into a small boy, about thirteen carrying a spear. The boy falls and I try to help him up. He points his spear at me and I back away. 

"Come any closer and I will kill you with this spear," The boy says. 

"I am not going to hurt you. I was trying to help you up. I am Adrien," I say. I extend my hand and the boy takes it. 

"Your are the boy the daughter of the mockingjay fell in love with. I am Emerson you can call me Emer. I saw your score for the individual assessments. You did great. You want to be allies?" Emer asks me. 

"Sure. You look like you have survived pretty well so far," I say. We shake hands and find a place to camp. Emer can't climb trees very well so I help him up into a tree and onto one of the lower branches and I sit on the one above him. I watch over us as he sleeps. I think of Diana, hoping she is okay. Emer and I can go check where it all happened tomorrow, make sure there is no blood. 

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