chapter nine: let the games begin

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I wake up like I usually do at four A.M. I decide to head over to the desk and finish the drawing I was doing last night. About an hour after, Calix comes into my room.

Diana's arena outfit

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Diana's arena outfit

"It's time," he says.

I stand up and walk over to the door. As I begin to open it Calix puts his hand on the knob.

"Before we go, I think you should go talk to Adrien," Calix says.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Don't you want to say one last thing to the boy you love?" Calix asks.

"No, we already talked last night. It didn't go well," I say.

"Please, Adrien asked me this morning if he could talk to you," Calix says. 

"No, he can tell me what he wants when I tell him to kill me," I say. 

"Fine if you won't talk to him then that's your choice," Calix says. He opens the door and brings us up to the roof where a hovercraft is waiting for us. I get on the ladder and as I climb the first rung, I freeze. A woman on the hovercraft climbs down to me and puts a tracer in my arm. It didn't hurt one bit. I then can climb all the way up the ladder and sit in the hovercraft. Calix comes with me. We sit in absolute silence and stay in silence when we get to my launch room under the arena. I look around and see some things lying around. A robe that looks a little old, but something catches my eye. I found a small letter in the bathroom. I open it and see it's from my mom. 

   Dear the person that reads this, 

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   Dear the person that reads this, 

Hi, my name is Katniss Everdeen, I am the female tribute of district twelve of the seventy-fourth hunger games. I went in to save my little sister prim. I am not sure if I will ever get out of this arena alive but if I do, I would hope that the hunger games have ended. If they did, I could have kids and be happy. I don't know if I really would be happy without Peeta. He and I have some sort of connection that binds us to one another. I feel inside a very strange feeling. I have been told if you feel something like I do for Peeta then it's called love. I hated him at first because we were going to have to kill each other, but yesterday when Peeta told the world he loved me my heart stopped. I went out on him in a bad way and hurt him. I was putting my anger out on him when it should have been on me. I made the wrong impression of who Peeta was and now I know why. If you are reading this. Tell me I died in that Arena and Peeta now lives happily. I have grown to love my tribute partner but I can't express it. One more thing, if you are somehow going into the arena this letter is in then you will be going into the Arena of the Seventy Fourth hunger games. If you are a tribute in the future then you will know what it's like. Good luck. 

The female tribute from district twelve of the Seventy Fourth Hunger Games, 

Katniss Everdeen.

How did my mother get this letter here? I remember my parents telling me about Coin's idea of reusing the arena's for future games. I just didn't think I would find a letter from my mother. Did she love my father before the games even started?  They always told me that my mom didn't fall for my father till their second games. Then the speaker in the room goes off. 


I walk out of the bathroom and see Calix. 

"I just want to say that, no matter what happens I will be betting on you in my heart. I know you do plan on dying but if you change your mind. Just know I will be ready for you when you win," Calix says. 

"Thank you. Can you do me a favor?" I ask him. 

"Sure, anything," Calix says. 

"I found this in the bathroom. It is from my mother. I know that our arena is the one my parents went into and I just want them to get her letter back," I say. 

"Of course," Calix says. He pulls me into a hug and I accept the hug. We let go when the speakers tell us I have ten seconds. I walk over to the tube and stand in it with a very serious face. As the tube begins to move up I look up and wait for the arrival of the games. When I get to the top I look around and find myself in a meadow with a large golden cornucopia. I look around the meadow and I find Adrien a few pedestals from me. I look over at him and he looks back at me. We hold eye contact for a few seconds till Caesar's voice comes into the arena. 

"Tributes, welcome to the 99th hunger games. May the odds be ever in your favor," Caesar says. 

The count down begins and I look at the cornucopia to see what it has. A lot of food in crates but that's on the inside of the cornucopia. I see a bow and arrow at the mouth of it. I know not to go for it. I have my own plan. I hope Adrien doesn't go running in or I will have to run after him. Let the games begin. 

Adrien's arena outfit

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Adrien's arena outfit

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