Back in district Twelve

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Back in district twelve, it is around 3 A.M and Katniss walks up screaming. She looks over and sees her wonderful husband looking right at her. 

"You had another nightmare again? You want to talk about it?" Peeta asks Katniss. 

"Maybe?" Katniss says unsure what to say. 

"What was your nightmare about mom?" Finnick (Diana's brother not the cousin)  asks from the doorway of their bedroom. 

"I don't think I should say," Katniss says. 

"Please tell us. Was it about Diana?" Peeta asks. 

"Yes. I dreamed that she was going to kill herself for Adrien to live. It felt so real," Katniss says. 

"Do you really think she would do that?" Peeta asks. 

"Well, she did proclaim her love for him. He looked like he felt the same but she also did say that she would do anything to get him home. It was just like the two of us," Katniss says as she looks at Peeta. 

"Well, you didn't fall for me until after the games," Peeta says. 

"I think she is actually planing in killing herself," Finnick says as he walks over to his parents bed. 

"What do you mean? She wouldn't do that," Peeta says. 

"I know she wouldn't but I have this feeling from this connection we share," Finnick says. 

"Finn, go back to bed please. We will see you in the morning," Katniss says. Finnick kisses his mom on the cheek and hugs his parents and goes back into his room. Katniss and Peeta sit in their bed looking at each other for a few minutes then Peeta speak up. 

"I am not ready for tomorrow. I don't think I can bare to see our daughter go and die when we are on our way of having another," Peeta says.

"Wait how did you know I was pregnant again?" Katniss asks.

"For the past few days, after we did it after the reaping I would wake up to you pucking, I just didn't want you to know I knew so I pretended to still be asleep," Peeta says.

"This is so hard," Katniss says while sobbing.

"I know, we worked so hard to keep them out of it but now one is going in tomorrow," Peeta says. The couple hug each other till the both fall asleep from crying.

The next morning. Katniss wakes up and runs into the bathroom and starts pucking again. Peeta runs in and rubs her back. After she is done Katniss and Peeta go down and into their kitchen. Finnick already started making breakfast.

"Morning mom, dad," Finnick says. He puts two plates of eggs, bacon, and toast on the table. They eat in silence, then when they finish they go to the living room and turn on the TV. It is playing recaps of the interviews. Eventually the TV turns onto the president. She is going to give a speech before the games.

"Good morning citizens of Panem in about five minutes we will begin the 99th hunger games. I would like to thank the parents of all the tributes for having ther kids. After the war, many people were scared to have kids. Especially the mockingjay, but we pushed through and continued the lives we were meant to. As you all know, when I brought the hunger games back, I decided to reuse the arenas from the earlier games. This year, the arena picked is one of my favorite. It brought  together two very special people and maybe it will do the same with our new lovers. I wish the tributes the best of luck and May the odds be ever in your favor," The president says. The TV shows the symbol of Panem and for the next three minutes they watch a camera go into each launch room. Lastly they see Adrien and his stylist. They are hugging and Adrien steps into the tube. As they watch the camera go to the last launch room, Katniss and peeta find each other's hands and Peeta grabs Finnick's hand. They watch as Calix hugs Diana and Diana gives him a piece of paper. They wonder what it is. They don't have time to wonder because the next thing you know is Diana is walking into the tube. She looks so strong and fearless. Her father knows though that she is scare like hell under her cold hard eyes. The camera then changes and shows the point of view of one of the tributes. As they go up they begin to see the scenery of the arena. They can't believe what they are looking at. Katniss and Peeta and looking at the arena of their games.

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