Chapter Eight- Flames and a Blueberry Breakfast

Start from the beginning

Each carriage carried five, so when I realized the carriage with my brothers in it was full. I managed to sneak my way into the same carriage Beka was taking, which she shared with my father and Helena. I sat next to Beka and she gave me a forced smile, before placing her hand in mine, and looked out the window as we began to move.

For the whole trip, the four of us remained silent. Beka's gaze never once left the scene out of the window. I didn't take long for us to reach her small house near the outskirts of town. My father was the first to get out, and he help Helena, down the small steps, and I jumped out after that, helping Beka as she came down the tiny steps.

The priest had already arrived in another carriage, with a group of men, with the bodies in black wooden coffins lying in the back. Beka's expression became pained when she saw them, and I hugged her shoulders to me as we made our way over the where everybody else was standing a few paces back from the small fence which surround the house. The front garden was decorated beautifully with every flower I could think of, and some I had no idea even existed.

As we reached the fence, Beka slipped my arm off of her shoulders. "I won't take long. I just want to take a look at the house before its gone." she announced to everybody. We all nodded and respected her wishes.

She turned and walked towards the house, opening the door, before slipping inside, and closing the door behind her.


Beka's POV-

I closed the door softly behind me, and turned around to face the house. Everything was like it normally was. The curtains were open and swaying slightly it the small spring breeze, and the room smelt like herbs and spices that my mother kept in the kitchen. I walked through the house slowly taking everything in, making sure I left nothing out. I searched every room, picking up a few things that meant a lot to me, like my basket which I found in the main room. Lilly must have returned it at some point, Elijah's Teddy bear. He was only seven, so he still slept with one, so I put into the basket. I also picked up the blanket that Mother had knitted for Chance when he was my age, and the necklace that I had gotten for my birthday last year from my room.

I left my parents room last, because I already knew what I'd find in there. In the chest they kept at the end of the bed, I found the sheet music for the lullaby that I knew so well, and the Middlemist flower, as well as some clothes, but I couldn’t fit them all in my basket, so I left the clothes where they were, and folded everything in the blanket for safe keeping, before returning outside.

Everybody was waiting patiently, and they gave me sympathetic smiles as they saw me. I told the priest that I wanted each of my family members in their own beds, and he nodded, calling the ground of men over and ordering them with what to do. The men listen and all helped each other grab a coffin and take them inside.

Paul ended up helping the men, with an endless flow of tears slipping down his cheeks, and when the last coffin was taken inside the priest handed me a torch of flames, and I began to light the base of the front of the house on fire. I took a couple steps back and stood behind the fence watching the flames burn. One of the men that came with the priest took the torch out of my hand, and the priest began to talk to the audience of people behind me.

"Today we come together, under the light of God, to commemorate the loss of Elijah, Chance, Jasmine, and Martin Wynters. As probably all of you know, the Wynters family was well known for their business in town, but speaking from personal experience I can tell you that they were known for much more than that. The Wynters family are loyal, compassionate, and caring people, who played by the rules, and showed up for Church every Sunday, and never asked for much, but gave lots, and those good traits remain here still today in their surviving, only daughter, Rebekah."

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