"Yesssss. Oh- Now lemme give you some tips, you might want to practice them today. The sooner the better." Hanji smirks.

"Bring it on, shitty glasses."


"So, may I know why are you driving me home tonight ? It's not like I'm complaining but-"

"Shut up and be grateful to your boss." Levi steps out from the car as soon as they stop right in front of (Y/n)'s apartment. Then, he walked her to the front door of the apartment building.

The secretary bows, "Well then, thank you for the ride. See you tomorrow, sir." (Y/n) then turns away to walk inside.

"Oi brat."

"Yes sir ?" She turns around, ready to answer any of his questions, or doing favors that he's probably going to ask.

"Wasn't I sweet ?"

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped to the ground, eyes opened wide as she became bewildered, "Pardon ?"

"I'm giving you a ride home. I ditched my work to bring you home like this, just the two of us. With me, everyday from now on, will be a happy one, filled with romance everyday."

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't understand-"

"What I'm saying is.. I'll go out with you, brat." Levi says with a deadpan expression.

(Y/n) still can't comprehend what her boss just said. She stays silent.

"What ? Are you that touched ?"

She clears her throat before giving him an apologetic smile, "Um, Mr. Ackerman ?"

Levi raises an eyebrow.

"You're not my type."

And that's when the poor vice president choked, ruining his calm image.

He takes a big step closer to his secretary, "What ? Say that again you little shit."

"You're not my type of guy, sir. My type of guy is someone who's nice, kind, and considerate."

"How can you say that after all I did for you ? You ungrateful brat. How is this not being considerate ?" He growls. His steel grey eyes squinting at her in a threatening manner.

(Y/n) shook her head, "That's not the consideration I wanted. If I don't want it, that's not considering me at all."

"Well then, Mr. Ackerman.." She bows once again, "I hope you find someone else who suits you better. Have a good evening, sir." Without sparing him a second glance, she quickly enters her apartment building and goes to her room.

With a long sigh, (Y/n) plops down on her couch, "Ha ! Relationship and marriages.. How the fuck he just talked about them like they're nothing ?"

"Hell ! even he said it all with a straight face ! That's creepy.."

Just as she was about to change her blouse, a vibrating noise erupted from her phone.

~Incoming call~

[Vice President Ackerman]

'I'm pretty sure that damn dwarf is still here..'

Suspicion fills her gut as (Y/n) takes a peek from her window. Looking down at car that's still parked right in front of the apartment building.

"Oh shit he is.."

Since she's annoyed by his actions, the secretary decides to ignore her buzzing phone. Instead, she's sitting on the sofa, arms crossed, staring at her phone as if she's waiting for his next movements. "What are you gonna do now huh ? Break the door ?" (Y/n) grumbles.

To her luck, it doesn't happen. But instead, there's a chat notification floating on her lockscreen.

- Vice president Ackerman

Just what the hell is wrong with you, Ms. (L/n) ? You're one hell of a damn secretary.

(Y/n) (L/n) -

I apologize, I didn't know you were being serious when you asked me to marry you. And now you're asking me out, I don't know what to say. If I may add, you sounded like a freak, sir.

- Vice President Ackerman

Forget about what's gone past. What's that about me not being your type ? Are you out of your mind ? What don't you like about me ?

(Y/n) wheezes, "Oh so now he's assuming that I'm out of my mind just because I rejected him ?" She cracks her knuckles, "alright, I'll spit out everything I don't like about that short stuff."

(Y/n) (L/n) -

You're always about yourself. You always insult people, including Mr. Smith's eyebrows. You just make decisions on your own and bark orders 24/7. And you always punish employees for not polishing their shoes and desks. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like a decent sleep now. Goodnight sir.

Their chat ends there.

Meanwhile, outside the apartment, Levi's quite surprised to see her rambling about things she doesn't like about him.

"Relationship tips my ass.. Shitty glasses' gonna pay for making me go through this sappy shit.."

The vice president sighs, he diverts his gaze to the night sky above him, "So much for trying to make her stay.." Levi muttered.


"Will I ever meet you again ?"

Her soft tiny hands grasped into the old crippled shirt that clung to the boy's body. He looked at her with a gaze that she couldn't read, "I don't think.. I-It's too hard, and I have no purpose in this life.." he stammered.

"Then find me, and marry me in the future ! Live for me !" The little girl cried, "promise me that we'll meet again !"

A new wave of emotions that he had never felt before washed over him.

"I'll try, I'll try to find you again.." He linked his skinny pinky to hers.

"And then I'll marry you."


What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now