How they met..(introduction)

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It was a cold monday morning Minju wakes from her bed due to the coldness, "Aishhh" yelled Minju she was late to school on her first day, she quickly took her shower and headed off to school. On her way to school she met up with Ahn Yujin and Jang Wonyoung, the other two members of the F3. They walked towards their school linking arms with each other. Right at that moment they came across Kim Chaewon, whom they have never seen before. They were stunned by her goddess like beauty and when she walked by it was as if there were stage lights all pointing towards her. The F3 were were stunned by her beautiful appearance except Minju, she always believed she was the prettiest woman in the school so she just shrugged it off. Later, they headed to the school board to check their class allotments for the new semester, Minju checked hers and as she was looking at the namelist she saw an unfamiliar name 'Kim Chaewon'. The F3 parted ways as they all had different classes. On the way to class Minju bumped into someone and tripped her over she helped pull her up and as she was pulling her up she noticed the nametag "Kim Chaewon" and it was at this moment she realized how beautiful she was 

to be continued..

sorry this chapter was a bit blocky(just wanted to make sure i got the intro done properly) next chapter will be less blocky n more readable XD

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