Soop Tale Part XII 🏞️

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Taehyung and Namjoon prepared Aglio olio & steak for dinner. They all sat together and ate and drank. "It's really good, isn't it?" Hoseok complimented Taehyung and Namjoon's cooking and waited for Seokjin's reaction, who was sitting beside him. "Umm.. it's good," replied Seokjin. Taehyung kept stealing glances at Seokjin, who was busy eating and chewing. He saw Jungkook getting up from his seat (beside Seokjin) and giving a long backhug to his Jin Hyung.

After dinner, Taehyung wanted to burst some crackers

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After dinner, Taehyung wanted to burst some crackers. Just like in his childhood days. "Jungkookie! Would you join me in it?" asked Taehyung. "Yes, sure!" replied Jungkook. Namjoon was already preparing to fall asleep. Seokjin and Yoongi were having a deep and serious chat in the Mainhouse' living room together. Hoseok being a helpful soul, convinced Jimin to join Taehyung and Jungkook in the crackers bursting. For a moment, they could go back to their childhood days.

"Yoongiah! Let's go fishing together tomorrow!" Seokjin suggested. "It's not like I'm crazy about fishing or something. I'll still do it because You love it," said Yoongi. "Yoongiah! I'll be leaving for Seoul the day after tomorrow. You are going to miss me, right?" asked Seokjin while pouting. "........come back again sometime," Yoongi managed to reply.
(Next Morning)

Seokjin was the first person to wake up. Just like the other days, he started his day by hitting the punching bag with the yoga mat. He sat on the bean bag kept outside the Mainhouse and saw a firecracker lying there nearby. He picked it up thinking that it would be the best way to woke the others up, as he was feeling a bit lonely. "I'm sorry, guys! It's just that I'm feeling a bit lonely out here all alone," he spoke to himself. When still nobody woke up, and he was hungry too, he took out some mango slices from the refrigerator and ate it.

Hoseok woke up after a while and the two of them sat in the living room of the Mainhouse, discussing whether they should visit the construction site, as it was raining outside. "Hoba!...should we call Yoongi again? I could just go and prep something to eat but then we are guests here..," Seokjin was talking to Hoseok. Taehyung, who was coming downstairs, heard them. He went to the small kitchen (in the Mainhouse itself) and made strawberry yogurt. "Here," said Tae, bringing a glass of strawberry yogurt close to Seokjin. "Ah! It's amazing," replied Seokjin, taking the glass from Tae's hand. "You haven't even tasted it yet. How can you say that it's good?" Tae asked softly. "Coz it's made by you, Taehyung Ssii. It has to be good," Seokjin replied. "Are you flirting with me again?" Tae asked shyly. "No, certainly not. I just stated the fact," replied Seokjin while sipping on the glass of strawberry yogurt. Tae went away from there and gave a glass of it to Hoseok too. Namjoon too got one as he woke up next after the three of them.

By this time, Yoongi was up. Seokjin and Yoongi went for fishing together in the lake as promised. They took fishing rods and fishnets with them. Patience proved to be fruitful to them. They did catch some fish.

Taehyung could convince Namjoon to launch remote controlled boats on the lake. They watched Seokjin and Yoongi as the soulmates enjoyed fishing together, riding on a boat and rowing. Hoseok went to the floating house to woke Jungkook up. "What's this? It's pretty though," Yoongi spoke softly as his fishnet caught a branch of flowers along with some weeds. Seokjin at once recalled that it was the same branch of Mathiola incana that he had brought for Taehyung.

"Why are you picking up this withered branch of flowers?" asked Seokjin

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"Why are you picking up this withered branch of flowers?" asked Seokjin. "I can just keep it near the kitchen. It's pretty and decorative. Don't know why but it just caught my eyes," replied Yoongi.

Jungkook was up now. He went to Jimin's room in the Upper House and cuddled him on his bed as Jimin was still asleep. "Jimin! Aren't you going to miss me? I'm leaving tomorrow," Jungkook spoke lightly. Jimin didn't reply. He was listening though. "Jimin Ssii, wake up! We are getting ready for lunch," said Hoseok. Jimin woke up slowly and Jungkook followed him to the outside.

Jungkook was a bit upset. Jimin was still ignoring him. Not completely, but still to a great extent. Jimin was replying to him in only one or two words.

Taehyung was in a better mood today compared to the previous day. He even helped Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok in preparation of lunch. The six of them, except Jimin, sat for lunch. "Jiminie said that he would eat his lunch later," informed Yoongi. Jungkook got a bit upset. It was less than 24 hours now till they leave from there to Seoul. "Whae- what happened to your palm?" Tae just noticed the cut on Seokjin's palm. "It's from yesterday..while we were wood-carving," Seokjin replied softly, avoiding eye contact with Taehyung. Yoongi teased Seokjin for that and Taehyung kept watching Seokjin and Yoongi's bicker. 'Yoongi Hyung knows so much about Seokjin Ssii...' Tae thought in his mind.
Jimin ate his lunch alone on a bench, near the lake. Jungkook got back to the painting and invested some time to complete his masterpiece. Taehyung was watching Jimin from a distance. He was still hesitating to approach him. "Seokjin Ssii! Namjoon Ssii! You people are leaving tomorrow. You see, we were happy to have you all here. Would you mind if I request the two of you to take me for a boat ride in the lake with you? I requested Hoseok Ssii to join me in shoe painting next, he agreed to that," Jimin was done with his lunch and now he looked hopeful. "Sure thing, why not?" exclaimed Seokjin. "Jump in!" added Namjoon as he forwarded his hand to help Jimin jump onto the boat. Taehyung watched the three of them rowing and having fun. 'Things could have been different if....' Tae thought in his mind as he watched them. 'Tae! There's still some time before they all leave tomorrow' Jimin thought in his mind while stealing glances at Tae who was watching them from the shore.


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