Soop Tale Part X 🏞️

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"Taehyung Ssii! Wake up! Everyone is waiting for you. Lunch is ready," said Hoseok. "I am not hungry," replied Taehyung while trying to wipe off his tears. "Taehyung Ssii, I know that you are feeling low but you need to cheer up. Infact you should be thankful to Jungkook. Things could have gone out of hand. You would have been even more hurt then. Whatever happens, it happens for a reason. We cannot force anyone to like us back in the same way. Jungkook is still your friend, and you should cherish that," Hoseok tried to explain. "But Jiminah...he must be hurt...because of me...," cried Taehyung. "Don't worry about that. Now please cheer up and eat your lunch with the others before it gets cold," Hoseok tried to cheer him up. "Let's go for a drive around here after lunch, what's say?" Hoseok added. "Would Jiminah join us too? And Yoongi Hyung? Also,..your Jin Hyung?" Taehyung sounded hopeful. "Let's try asking them," answered Hoseok.
Seokjin and Yoongi were already having their lunch together. Jimin too sat for lunch with them. Jungkook too came by this time and sat beside Jimin quietly. Jimin flashed him a little smile, but remained quiet. "Taehyung Ssii... is he not going to have lunch?" asked Seokjin. Just then Taehyung appeared there with Hoseok. "Namjoonie and I already had our lunch while hiking. He (Namjoon) is taking rest in his room right now. I came here to give you all company," replied Hoseok. He actually came there with Taehyung to give some reassurance to him as Tae was feeling awkward to face everyone alone.
"Jimin Ssii! Yoongiah! Let's see who manages to get to the gold rank first," said Seokjin, sitting and relaxing in between Yoongi and Jimin. As Seokjin was already in the platinum rank, he was advising his fellow gaming companions aka Yoongi and Jimin.

"Hoseok Ssii, they would agree to join us, right?" asked Taehyung, while approaching the Upper House with Hoseok. "We'll try," replied Hoseok. "We are going for a drive around here. Who all are willing to join  us in it? Jin Hyung...We are looking for a certain Jin Hyung to join us in it...Jimin Ssii? Yoongi Ssii? Wanna join?" asked Hoseok as soon as the two of them entered into the Upper House where Yoongi, Seokjin and Jimin were relaxing and gaming. "Jiminah, let's go," Taehyung stood before Jimin and asked him softly. "We are kinda busy here," Seokjin replied to Hoseok. "What busy? You guys are playing games only. You can join us, you know?" Taehyung spoke in a soft tone.  "What is Namjoonie doing?" asked Seokjin, all of a sudden. "He is painting and so is Jungkookie," replied Hoseok. "You guys go ahead and have fun, we have plans of trying wood carving next," replied Jimin. "Join us, y'all..we would be stopping by the place where they sell amazing burgers," Hoseok tried another trick. "Aah! I know about that place. Please enjoy, you guys! The burgers are amazing," replied Seokjin, turning his body towards Yoongi, who was busy gaming. Taehyung frowned. "Hoseok Ssii, let's go. The two of us it is, then," said Taehyung, leaving from the Upper House with quick steps with Hoseok following him.

"See? Hoseok Ssii? They are ignoring me," Taehyung  almost cried. "Please don't mind them. They are just not in the mood right now. Try to see things from their point of view too. Anyways, let's go and have fun. Cheer up, you would surely feel refreshed," said Hoseok. Taehyung offered to drive and the two of them drove off. They stopped at the place where they sell good burgers. Hoseok played some cool songs on his phone and the two of them danced to those songs to erase their worries for that moment. Taehyung actually ended up feeling refreshed. 'Hoseok Ssii is such a friendly and kind soul' Taehyung was feeling blessed to have Hoseok around him.

Meanwhile, Namjoon was busy working on his point art. Soon Jungkook joined him and started making a painting of the heavenly scenery which was right in front of his eyes. 'This is relaxing. This is the best way to lift up  my mood. Especially when neither Jimin nor Jin Hyung is talking to me' Jungkook thought in his mind while he was creating beautiful strokes on the canvas with his paintbrush.


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