Soop Tale Part VII 🏞️

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[Next Morning]

It was 7 a.m. in the morning, Seokjin came out of his tent and went inside the Main House, ofcourse after repeating his routine of hitting the punching bag with the yoga mat. Hoseok came downstairs and waved at Seokjin. "Hoseokah! Wake Taehyung Ssii up. I want to eat his handmade Nurungji first. Then I can take him for a boat ride at 8 a.m.," said Seokjin, while running his fingers on the keyboard. Hoseok went upstairs to wake Taehyung up.

"Taehyung Ssii, wake up," said Hoseok. "Why would I? You two aren't going for site inspection this morning. Let me just sleep, ok?" said Taehyung, turning to the other side. "Jin Hyung wants to eat your handmade Nurungji. Also, he wants to take you on a boat ride," said Hoseok. "Oh God! I don't understand why he keeps talking about my Nurungji. I didn't make it for him solely. I made it for all. He makes it sound like I only make Nurungji for him. Also, I am not going to go for the ride, plz leave me alone," Taehyung walked down the stairs and got more annoyed when he saw Seokjin playing the keyboard. "God! Stop this crap! I only like Jungkook's music. He is the BEST! Why do people like you even try? Huh! Leave me alone, I'm NOT going with you anywhere," Taehyung walked straight towards Jungkook's floating house and slept cuddling him. Jungkook was extremely sleepy so, he couldn't even react.
Two hours had passed since then and Yoongi woke up. Seokjin had now already given up on the Boat ride plan. Hoseok noticed Seokjin's sad face. Namjoon had woke up and he was in his room, reading a book. Jimin was still in his dreamland. Seokjin and Hoseok helped Yoongi in preparing kimchi friedrice for everyone. "Jin Hyung, Hoseokah! I feel sorry for the two of you. You people are guests here and still you are having to assist me in the works here. You see, that Taehyung and Jiminah both are kind of idlers most of the times. Also, ever since Jungkookie came here with you people, Taehyungah has become totally obsessed with him and he is ignoring all of his duties here. I should just give a good scolding to the two of them," said Yoongi. "It's ok, Yoongiah! We are happy to help you, actually," said Seokjin. "Yes, totally!" added Hoseok. "Okay, so the kimchi fried rice is ready. Jin Hyung, plz wake Jungkookie up. I'll try waking up Jiminah," said Yoongi. "W-wait! I'll handle that, don't worry. Seokjin Hyung, you go and call Namjoonie, I am coming with the others," volunteered Hoseok, coz he did not want Seokjin to see Taehyung & Jungkook together in the floating house.

Jungkookie! Taehyung Ssii, wake up!" said Hoseok, while eyeing Taehyung, who was clinging to the sleeping Jungkook in his bed at the floating house. Jungkook at once sat up and wore his jacket, rubbing his eyes. "Come fast, we are having our breakfast now," Hoseok left from there after saying this. "Why are you still here?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, sounding a bit uncomfortable as to what Hoseok might have thought about the two of them. "Jungkookie, I missed you! Also, that Jin Hyung of yours, he wanted to take me to a boat ride here with him forcefully," Taehyung talked in pout.
The seven of them gathered for breakfast. "Jungkookie, would you like to go for a boat ride with me?" asked Tae while touching Jungkook's ear, sitting beside him, making sure to check Seokjin and Jimin's reactions so that it was made loud and clear that Jungkook belongs to him and he belongs to Jungkook. "No no, I can't. I'll be painting the whole afternoon," replied Jungkook, earning a pout from Tae. Hoseok kept glanceing at Seokjin, who appeared a bit upset.

In the afternoon, Namjoon was working on his illustration artwork outside of the Main House. Seokjin and Yoongi were playing league of legends together online on the computers in the Upper house while Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok were sitting on the couch, spectating the duo's game. Just then Taehyung appeared in the upper house and at once became jealous when he saw Jimin and Jungkook sitting side by side. He at once sat on Jungkook's lap and said "Jungkookie, what are you doing here? We two could have gone for a boat ride together, you know?" Taehyung spoke in pout while sitting on Jungkook's lap and bringing his head close to Jungkook's face. Seokjin was fully aware of what was happening behind him. He kept playing with Yoongi quietly. Hoseok, who was chattering non-stop, became quiet after seeing what Tae was doing with Jungkook. Jimin was feeling extremely uncomfortable. He at once got up from there saying that he would wash the dishes. "I'll help you, Jimin," Jungkook signalled Tae to get up from his lap so that he could join Jimin in doing the dishes. Tae got angry and annoyed so, he ran away from there, in tears.

He went to the main house and sat quietly in the small living room, watching Namjoon's art progress.
"Jungkookie, stop following me everywhere. Taehyungah is hurt. He is not pleased to see you with me," said Jimin in a low voice while doing the dishes. "It's not my problem if he feels anger or jealousy when he sees me with you. You can't force me! And if you are SO annoyed with me following you, then I'll just stay away from you!" Jungkook got annoyed and left from there, dropping a plate on the sink with a thud noise which startled Jimin.
Seokjin came back to the Main House, looking for Jungkook. He spotted Jungkook standing alone outside of the Floating House. "Jungkookah! Why are you looking upset? Come, let's make some paintings. Your Hyungs too will join you in it," Seokjin tried to lighten up Jungkook's mood. Thus, Seokjin and Hoseok too joined Jungkook in his afternoon painting plan, grabbing the canvasses and paints. Namjoon was already working on his artwork.

Jungkook painted a beautiful sunset scenery. Hoseok made a heart design. Seokjin made a painting of a river filled with fish. Taehyung came from behind and hugged Jungkook, startling him. "Aww! Jungkookie! You are truly the most talented person that I have ever seen," Tae praised Jungkook. "Taehyung Ssii, how is my painting?" Seokjin asked Tae in pout. Tae was trying to suppress his laughter. "Jin Hyung, your painting is cute," Hoseok jumped in. "Aah! Taehyung Ssii. I am happy that I could atleast make u laugh," said Seokjin. " really don't know when to stop trying your ways, do you?" Tae got annoyed and left from there. Jungkook felt bad about the things that were happening with Seokjin. He too observed everything but kept quiet.

It was night time already. While everyone was getting ready for dinner, Jimin wanted to have a talk with Seokjin alone. "Seokjin Ssii, can I have a talk with you for a moment. It's important," said Jimin. "Yes, sure!" replied Seokjin and the two of them stayed at the upper house a couple of minutes longer while the others were getting ready for dinner outside the Main House.


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