Soop Tale Part VI 🏞️

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"Taehyungah! I won! So, as per our bet, you are going on a boat ride with me tomorrow morning. 8 a.m. so, tomorrow, be ready, ok?" Seokjin winked at Tae. "Huh! That's not gonna happen," Taehyung walked away and went straight to the Upper House to play games.

Yoongi was reading a book in the kitchen, while waiting for Hoseok to return with the lettuce leaves. Just then Tae entered into the Upper House and sat in front of the computer. "Taehyungah! Why aren't you helping me out? Our guests are working more than you and Jiminah!" Yoongi complained. "Hyung, I am not in a good mood right now, plz," said Taehyung, putting on the headphone and starting an online match to distract himself. Soon, Seokjin too entered into the Upper House. "Yoongiah!" Seokjin greeted his friend Yoongi before standing beside Taehyung and starting a VR Game. "Why are you following me everywhere??" Taehyung gritted his teeth in anger. "What? I just wanted to play games," Seokjin pouted.

By this time, Hoseok was back with the lettuce leaves. He was helping out Yoongi in the kitchen while Seokjin and Taehyung played games separately in the same game room near the kitchen counter in the Upper House. "Stop screaming! God! Are you sure that you are an Engineer?? Coz you behave as if you are even younger than Jungkookie! In the morning too I saw you running around with a broomstick 🧹 when you were playing Pingpong with Jiminah," Taehyung reacted when Seokjin kept making weird noises while playing his VR Game, out of excitement. "Taehyungah! Let him be like that. It's his life," said Yoongi from the kitchen. "Yes, our Jin Hyung loves living his life to the fullest. Age has nothing to do with it, come on," added Hoseok. "Huh! Like I Care!" Taehyung brought back his focus on his own game.

Just then Jungkook, Jimin and Namjoon returned from the drive. They came to the upper house where the others were at that time. Namjoon went straight to the restroom coz the poor fellow had to keep his pee in hold as he was kind of forced to join Jimin and Jungkook in the drive coz he couldn't just refuse Jimin.

Taehyung was avoiding Jimin. He didn't like Jimin's accepting to go for the drive with Jungkook. Jimin noticed that but stayed quiet in front of others. Seokjin soon joined Yoongi and Hoseok in arranging the plates and bowls for lunch. Jimin was sitting quietly on the couch near the computer while Jungkook tried playing VR game like Seokjin. Taehyung suddenly hugged Jungkook from behind. "Jungkookie! You missed me, right?" Tae rubbed his nose over Jungkook's nape. Jungkook jumped up and almost dropped his controllers out of shock. His eyes were covered with the VR headset and it was just too sudden. Jimin almost choked on his glass of water, seeing that. "Lunch is ready, I guess! Let's go..," Jimin spoke lightly, getting up from the couch and leaving. Jungkook too followed him.

"Open your cute mouth. Come on, one more time," Taehyung was busy feeding Jungkook (almost forcefully). Hoseok almost choked on his food seeing Seokjin's expression. Hoseok sipped on his glass of water as he saw Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi sitting quietly stealing glances at Tae and Jungkook. The moment Hoseok saw Jungkook's 'Save Me, Hyung!' kind of expression, he again choked on his glass of water.
It was almost sunset hour now. Jungkook and Namjoon sat together outside the Mainhouse and started working on their artworks silently. Yoongi was taking a kitty cat nap inside his campervan. Hoseok, Taehyung and Jimin were sitting inside the living room of the Mainhouse. Although Jimin and Taehyung were sitting together, they were not talking to each other and Hoseok could observe that. Taehyung kept glaring at Jimin as Jungkook kept stealing glances at Jimin while painting outside.

Seokjin took the boat and went for fishing alone. After many failed attempts, he was finally able to catch a couple of flat fish. He took the fish net and dropped them inside the fish tank.

At night, Yoongi and Seokjin prepared excellent dinner. Also, Hobi helped them. Jimin and Jungkook were sitting side by side. "Jungkookah! I need to talk to you about something," Jimin whispered near Jungkook's ear. He could not even complete his sentence and Tae came and sat in between the two of them.

"In Seoul, I prepare meals for Jungkookah before leaving for work and after coming back from work, I prepare dinner for him. Jungkookah loves it. Infact he has learned a bit of cooking from me. The three of us (Seokjin himself, Hoseok and Jungkook) eat dinner together almost everynight," Seokjin was conversing with Yoongi & Namjoon about their everyday life in Seoul. "That's right," said Jungkook. "Back in our childhood days, I was in charge of Jungkookie's meals," Tae spoke up suddenly and all went quiet. "But...Taehyungah! Back then you didn't even know how to make food," Jimin couldn't help himself from spilling the tea and then he covered his mouth to stop himself from giggling, earning a glare from Taehyung. "Huh! Jungkookie is Mine! He can't live without me," Taehyung became possessive and started rubbing Jungkookie's inner thighs with his hand seductively. Poor Jungkookie couldn't help but gulp. The others felt a bit uncomfortable with the sudden change in the atmosphere. "Let's get to our beds. It's almost midnight," Yoongi tried to divert the topic.

Thus, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jungkook and Namjoon's third night in the soop ended on a bittersweet note.


One-Sided || Taejin ☑️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ