I feel eyes on me and try to smile. But I'm never good with strangers and Patrick doesn't know that.

"Friend, eh?" I hear someone ask, sounding disinterested and suspicious.

"Just friend, dad" Patrick sighs, thankfully releasing my arm. I scoot down to grab Baymax in my arms and he licks my face, clearly concerned for me. He never ceases to amaze me.

"Nice to meet you, Liam" I hear a girl say, must be his sister.

"You too" I reply shortly. "Um, Patrick, I will see you later. Zayn should be here now"

"Oh, he is not though" he informs me "Let me give you a company"

And just like that, he leads me away from his family and we both sit on a bench.

"Sorry, but your father sounded a bit suspicious of you" I say slowly after few minutes of silence. "Of us'

"Er. Sorry about that" he apologizes. "You see, they are not accepting. They thought we are together or something. They saw the way I saw you"


"Tell them we are not together" I tell him.

"That's not the point, Liam" he says "They are suspicious that I'm into boys too"

"Aren't you?" I quiz, puzzled. "You were-" flirting with me, asked me out even.

"I'm still in closet" he confesses "I'm scared of their reactions. My sister knows, but my parents don't."

"They are homophobic?"


"I'm sorry" I say, feeling bad. "It must be hard"

"It is" he agrees, sounding sad. "They look at LGBTQ people like they are some alien parasites. We had to leave a movie half way through because a gay couple was being too affectionate in front of us. Just imagine their reactions if they come to know their suspicions are true"

"They love you, Patrick"

"Not enough to accept me as I am" he sighs "Hey, your boyfriend is here. I better run before he crafts out a murder plan for me. It was nice talking to you, Liam"

"You too" I say and I feel him squeeze my shoulder before I hear footsteps. Baymax nudges into my neck, seeking attention. I pet him absently, realizing something.

"What is he doing here?!"

I jump at that and sigh when I truly hear how mad Zayn is.

"Zayn, he is here with parents for picnic" I tell him calmly.

"What did he want to say to you anyway?"

"He was just saying he is still closeted" I tell him, feeling his hand intertwining with mine.

"Why? He asked you out, didn't he? At the café"

"He did" I nod "But his parents don't know that, Zayn. They aren't that accepting it seems"

"Oh" I hear him say, and I don't know if he feels truly sympathetic



"I'm lucky, aren't I?" I ask him and I get silence as an answer. "Zayn, I was never into boys before you. But my dad, he just accepted me so easily. He didn't hate me more for being bi."

"He loves you, Liam"

"What I mean is" I take a deep breath in "He could have hated me for who I am. But he didn't, Zayn. I never realised how lucky I am for the way he accepted me easily. I had no trouble in coming out part, but people actually go through hell for it. I didn't have to. It must be so hard, but my dad didn't make it hard for me. He just accepted it with open mind and I'm...I'm lucky for that, right?"

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