The Love Story

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[a/n: Send this fic to Jay. Make him make a video on me. I want to be famous.]

Third person P.O.V

Jay has been playing Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair for about a month now? Ugh, it's hard to keep track of the time when the events around the world are occuring. Danganronpa, or really anything he'd do on his channel, was an escape from the real world. And it was actually pretty nice! The game was cool, fun, had a bunch of amazing and shocking plot twists, plus a lot more. But most importantly? SDR2 had... 


Or as Jay would call him, Nagi-waggy.

Nagito, you see, was Jay's favorite character out of the DR series so far. All that mattered was Nagito. Komaeda always made Jay happy, the albino fictional character would give him so much happiness and hope. Jay always would want to pull Komaeda into a hug, and give him all the love he needs. But who doesn't. The pale fictional boy did need it, his character had been through a lot as a child, and as a teen too, a hug and some genuine love was basically something Komaeda should be edging for. And looking a little into it, Jay could tell that he somewhat had that edge of wanting to be loved, and wanting to feel better. And only to seeing Nagito's incredibly disturbing and depressing death scene, only made him want to give all the care he could to the pale albino even more.

It was extremely unfortunate for Jay that Nagito wasn't a real person. Danganronpa was the only thing he had to see the hope Jesus shine. It was nice, but did it ever feel like enough? No. It never did. But the idea of Nagito being real? Holy hell, that sounded like one of the best things ever. At least it did to Kubz, he wasn't sure about others. 

Has it even been mentioned, all the sweet and nice dreams Jay would have of the white haired male he adored and loved so much? Well, some ended in an extremely sad and angsty demise, but they were still somewhat sweet. I suppose you could call them 'bittersweet', if you will. It was always a hell to wake up to, to realize his dream wasn't real and was all only a fantasy. Just a fantasy. That was all it could ever be, since the white haired boy was just a 2D, fake thing created by a bunch of talented writers and artists. That reality was heartbreaking, it made Kubz feel empty inside.

If only.. Komaeda was a real person. That would be a true dream come true to the black haired gamer.

But that wasn't even possible...

Or perhaps, it was?

The one 'fantasy', that ended up somehow being a reality... It has been the best thing to ever happen in Jay's life. Better than anything. Anything. Any of the other good things that have happened to Kubz Scouts in the past? Oh, they could never even compare to the beautiful event that brought Jay's true and genuine hope and happiness. The one thing Kubz has wanted the most so far out of his entire life, it happened, in the most amazing way he could ever come to imagine. 

That one nice and dream-like day, Jay suddenly awoke to be inside a location that seemed.. somewhat familiar. He stood up from the hard and wooden floor in where he awoken from, glancing around and trying to figure out where he was exactly. After looking around for a bit, he finally figured it out. This was the SDR2 hotel's restaurant that rested on the island.

But wait, how was that even possible?

SDR2 was a game, right? A fictional game, with fictional locations and characters. It wasn't real, it couldn't be, there was no way in hell this was the restaurant from Goodbye Despair. It couldn't be, it couldn't be, it couldn't be..

Kubz Scouts x Nagito Komaeda ;; The Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now