chapter 7 Argument, cardin dark secret, jaune ultimate partner part 2

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As arc family came, jaune is not in good mode. His family glarecat him, while mother have disappointed look at jaune.
Father: brat return the family heirloom or we are going get ugly.
Mother: what no good ex son hold the valuable family treasure. Now return the sword bow.
Arcs sister:Yeah!
But shown an angry look 9n his face and look at his ex family.

Jaune: Enough! Arcs got spoke by jaune rage and he looked his ex family

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Jaune: Enough!
Arcs got spoke by jaune rage and he looked his ex family.
Jaune: Sword decide who is master or find worthy opponent.
As his ex mother try to talk to him,, he slap her face.
Mother: jaune but why.
Jaune: why, you people disown me, then kick me out of family. Don't expect I forgive you guys what toy did to me. So leave me alone my match is next with team crdl.
As he left with his true friends, arcs just stand there shock of event happened. Jaune Mother crying, and regrets all those weird towards her only son.

At amity arena we're the vale festival taken place and battle as well.

On that arena team call crdl, is member are cardin, russel, Dove and sky

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On that arena team call crdl, is member are cardin, russel, Dove and sky. Same team who cause problem at beacon even cause jaune to be expelled.

As jaune arrive on arena, few people still boo him for fake his way at beacon

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As jaune arrive on arena, few people still boo him for fake his way at beacon. Velvet look scare by looking at cardin which got coco attention.
Cardin: well is jaune boy, seems you got stronger.
Jaune look at him and not care to see him. Which anger cardin, but his smile and look at velvet.
Cardin: well seems if you don't care what happen to dirty faunes name velvet since you left.
Jaune eyes eiden and look at velvet is scare, what does he mean about what happen to velvet.
Jaune: what are you talking about?
Russel: cardin dont tell hi., is wise to not anger him.
Dove: he is right cardin, look what he did to two team yesterday plus youwell ruin us.
Cardin: shut up!
Sky: cardin don't tell him.
Cardin: did you know that my team and I rape velvet!
Every person on arena eyes widen, coco look at velvet crying.
Coco: velvet is it true?
Velvet crying: yes is true.
She crying while coco glare at cardin, her teammates as well.
Summer: that brat!
Ozpin: glynda prepare to expelled few students.l and contact vale police as well.
Glynda: agree sir.
Ruby is shock, Blake want to kill cardin and his team, and Weiss is disgusted of him rape woman.
Jaune team want to kill him for his crime.
Anpr can't believe they just hear, cardin and his team rape velvet.
Cardin: oh she was screaming for help.
Jaune: shut up.
Cardin: it was amazing she call out your name.
Jaune: Shut up.
Cardin: oh poor girl virginity is taken by me is delicious.
Jaune killer instant blow many people way.

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