Brain dump: love

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I tried to write about love before this.

It's hard to write about love, when you haven't had anyone in a long time.

And yet, it feels like it's the only thing I can write about. How ironic.

It almost feels stupid. Pointless.

How could I write about something I don't have?

Maybe it's the maladaptive daydreaming messing with my brain that makes me want to write about a person that does not exist.

Maybe it's because I consume too many romantic movies and TV shows.

I'm a hopeless romantic, so that probably does not help my case. Right?

I consume music about love as well. And it makes me think: how crazy it is to have someone write something about a person they love and sing it to the entire world. How in love must they be to write something like that? How in love must they be to sing it, unapologetically?

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

I hope I can find someone that can love me that much.

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