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Baek Aera's Pov:-

While approaching the desk beside me, he looked at me and smiled sweetly. My heart began to beat faster than usual, but I didn't show it and smiled back at him. I can definitely hear the mumbling of other pupils in class some saying,

"Wah, he's really handsome" ,

whereas some,"Look at his height, I think he'll be the tallest boy in our school",

While others ask, "Is he single?" Should I speak to him after class?

I can hear it, therefore I'm confident he can as well. But he pretended he hadn't heard it.

After our half-hour session, it's time for lunch, and I put all of my books beneath my desk. At the moment, I observed Kim Dan (one of our classmates and Lee Bong Cha's friend) going to Rowoon and saying,

"I'm Kim Dan. Want to be my friend?" he asks, extending his hand in front for a handshake. Rowoon looked at Dan and said:

"I'll love too. "Let us get well together," he said, shaking hands with Dan. They both leave the classroom, heading to the canteen for lunch.

Bong Cha dashed towards me, asking, "Yah, why are you taking so much time. "If we are late, we will have to wait in a long line."

"Sorry, let's go," I said her, pouting. We hurried to the canteen and saw that the line was short, so we got in line and looked for a vacant spot to sit on. That moment, I heard a voice screaming out Bong Cha.

"Bong Cha-Ya!! "Come here and sit," I noticed Kim Dan was with Rowoon sitting next him, looking at me. Bong Cha said:

"Let's go, Aera; we'll sit with them," I nodded my head in agreement, and we proceeded towards them.

While on my way there, I began to feel differently than usual. We sat down with them. Lee Dan said,

"Why don't we introduce ourselves to this new boy."

And Bong Cha started,"Hey, I'm Lee Bong Cha, let's be friends" and Rowoon replied,

"Sure, why not?" he said, looking at me. I replied,

"Hey, my name is Baek Aera," and he replied,

"Hi Aera, let's be friends" he said with a bright smile, and I nodded 'yes' and smiled back.

We all talked while completing our meals and then walked to class together. Our class began, and I was unable to concentrate since I was still in shock that I had become friends with him, and I spent the entire hour looking at him.

After our school ended, we were all packing our luggage when Rowoon approached me and requested,

"Hey, can you suggest me a good academy for after school?" I was going to speak when Bong Cha appeared and said to him,

"Enroll in the academy were we three goes."

He glanced at us and asked,

"All three of you attend the same academy? Wow!! Then I should also sign up there."

Dan approached Rowoon, put his hands around Rowoon's neck, and said,

"Yes you should."

We parted ways and returned to our own homes. I was with Bong Cha while we were waiting for the bus; Bong Cha asked me,

"Hey, why you acted awkwardly before him, what's the problem, tell me."

"Ah... nothing", I said.

"You're not going to tell me, even if we're best friends. Don't talk to me now," she murmured, pouting cutely. I took her hands in mine and told her:

"You should not tell this to anyone, Ok."

"Did I ever tell any of your secrets to anyone?" she asked, and I grinned, replying,

"Bong Cha-ya, I am not sure if I am sick or not. But anytime I go close to Rowoon, I start to feel different; my heart is pounding hard, I become a stiff statue in front of him, and my body temperature rises. "Do you know anything about this illness?" I asked.

She grinned at me and added, "I think I know this illness, it's called love."

I looked surprised at her and said, "No, Bong Cha-ya, it's never going to happen."

"But it happened, look, do you always feel to look at him or can't concentrate on other things or keep thinking about him" , she said to me.

I nodded my head.

"Then he is your first love, sweetie. Congratulations," she remarked cheerfully.

"But what if he learns it later? Should I tell him?" I asked her.

"Not now. It's all about timing. So be with him as a friend, learn more about him, and then I will tell you what to do. Don't worry, Aera, I'll help you; you have me," she stated confidently.

"Okay," I said, as the bus arrived, and we climbed on it, talked some more, then split ways to our houses.

I was delighted all day thinking about him, and I can't wait until tomorrow.

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