Chapter 16

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Lisa gaze flitted towards the landscape beyond the steep hill. Below the meadow was a large village surrounded by giant gray walls. Jungkook pointed his finger in the distance.

“That’s my estate in Anatol. The citizens here are mercenaries, miners, and farmers. But the ground is not suitable for growing, so most of the people rely on livestock, raising sheep, chickens, and goats to survive.”

As she listened to him, Lisa carefully surveyed the land where she would live. In front of the towering entrance was a large meadow. Beyond it, a steep high mountain peak to the rear acted as its barrier. And in the middle of the mountain, a giant fortress that looked like a terrifying golem sat, splitting the mountain in half. The moment she saw it, she felt a faint chill go down her spine.

The castle of Calypse was very much like her husband’s alter ego—a lonely and overbearing giant…

“It’s not glamorous on the outside, but it’s spacious inside,” confided Jungkook nervously.

Lisa’s eyes were glued to the castle as Jungkook started speaking in a more tense voice. She looked back at him in wonderment. She had never seen such a huge shapeless mass of stone blocking half the mountain.

It was quite a stark difference from the regal Croix Castle that had a beautiful exterior following the extravagant designs of the Roem empire.

Jungkook nervously added, “It’s hard to change the appearance, but… god damn it; it has to be that way. There are too many monsters in the vicinity…”

“M-many monsters?” Lisa nervously said.

His expression on edge, Jungkook insisted, “You don’t need to worry! Do you see how high those walls are?” He pointed to the distance, “I built them as soon as I acquired the estate. It took several years to build a sturdy wall to protect the whole town… but no creatures can get through it now!”

“I’m not worried…” whispered Lisa.

She responded in a quiet but disconcerted voice, in reaction to the intense defense of his estate. But it wasn’t just to make him feel better. As Jungkook said, she could see that the walls surrounding the castle looked well-made and secure, and surprisingly, it made her feel at ease.

“Leader, may we head out already. I’m starving! I think the rest of the knights are also hungry and thirsty!”

At the urging of the knight, Jungkook flicked his horse’s reins. Their horses galloped faster down the hill, and Lisa squinted her eyes at the wind rushing at her face. The hood flew off her head. Her red locks streamed behind her—as if they were dancing with the wind.

“We are the Knights of Remdragon! Open the door!” His knights shouted upon reaching the gate. The guards manning it rushed to give them entry after seeing Jungkook’s armor and the crests on their robes reflected on the sun. In front of the entrance, many villagers came to greet the great warrior who had defeated the evil dragon.

Upon seeing Jungkook, they all cheered.

“Rossem Wigru de Calypse (Uigru’s Incarnate Calypse)!”

Lisa was overwhelmed by the deafening sounds of the cheering and subconsciously moved closer to Jungkook. The incarnation of the great hero Uigru – what a fantastic tribute to him.

The farmers who had stopped their work waved their pickaxes in the air like a triumphant flag. Miners stood on their carts and swayed their arms enthusiastically while tradespeople sat on their roofs and cheered. Children with soot on their faces beamed, showing their toothy smiles.

All the townspeople cried out the name of their Lord, and Lisa could only be overwhelmed by the genuine outpouring of their love for Jungkook.

Lisa had never seen or experienced such heartfelt love and admiration for a lord. Such a scene was utterly dissimilar from the servants who had obeyed her father out of fear. It didn’t help that her father was a proud, brutal man either; he was always cold and regal.

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