Chapter 18

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Jungkook lathered his right hand with soap and rubbed her bossom gently in a circular motion. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation, but out of modesty, Lisa pulled back. This, however, didn’t stop his hand from wandering.

Lisa closed her eyes as she felt him squeeze her right buttock. He continued to lather soap on her body and massage her muscles while he carefully washed the long hair tumbling around her shoulders, tangled like a vine. Slowly, her stiff and aching body began to relax.

“Wash my hair too.”

He said as he rinsed off the foam on her head. Lisa’s tired eyes were half-closed, and when she didn’t respond, Riftan picked up the bar of castile soap and started rubbing it over his hair. He lowered his head to make it easier for her to reach over and massage his scalp. As Lisa came closer, she felt his hot breath hit her face.

Somewhat embarrassed, Lisa started to wash his hair with timid movements. To her surprise, Jungkook moved forward, slowly licking the water droplets on her clavicle with his tongue.  Lisa suddenly had a flashback to her childhood when she would sneak out to the garden and play with her father’s big hunting dog.

Washing Jungkook now was an all too familiar experience of bathing her father’s dog who would lick her face.

“You got soap in my eyes.”

Jungkook complained and rubbed the soap from his face with his hands. Lisa almost laughed at his action. She found it… almost adorable.

She continued to scoop water into the ladle and rinsed the foam off his hair as he picked up the kettle on the shelf and poured more hot water into the bathtub. With every minute in the warm bath, Lisa’s overworked muscles felt more languid. She could feel herself begin to doze off and soon enough, her shoulders submerged deeper into the water. In her lethargy, Lisa could still feel both anticipation and nervousness from the hands that were roaming her body.

She couldn’t deny it felt good.


In her ears, she heard a lazy moan, like a cat’s contented purr. Jungkook leaned her head against his chest, seeing her droopy frame. Feeling a ticklish yet burning sensation running down her body, she leaned against him as well, his beating heart sounding like a calm lullaby to her ears. As she listened to the sound, her eyelids became felt heavier.

“Lali… Are you asleep?” Jungkook said, seeing the girl motionless on his arms.


“Hey, hey…”


“Really? Did you just fall asleep?”

Lisa barely felt herself being carried out of the bathtub. As the cold air hit her wet body, she shivered unconsciously. Lisa felt someone dry her wet hair and body and then covered her with a warm, slightly fragrant, blanket. Throughout, she could feel the comforting heat of the fire as it continued to burn.

The last thing she remembered was Jungkook’s enthusiasm to caress her body.


Lisa suddenly stirred, feeling the chill, and awoke to her head cold and hair damp. Rubbing her eyes, she could hardly lift her body out of the bed as the frigid air enveloped her. Lisa looked down at her naked body, barely covered by the cashmere blanket. For a moment, she couldn’t remember what had happened last night or rather in the early morning.

“Of course, we arrived in Anatol yesterday…”

While taking a bath with Jungkook, Lisa recalled falling asleep from the weariness that settled after she looked around in wonderment that was her new home.

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