Unbreakable Rut (MinJoonKook)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)

Start from the beginning

"Kookie, we have to..." he didn't get to finish as a moan was punched through his body. As Jungkook bit down around Jimin's scent gland, a light feeling of canines were present against his skin, a growl leaving the other alpha.

All Jimin could do was just go completely slack. It was one of the reasons that they worked so well together. Neither one of them cared about how the others needed to bite, claim and mark. If anything, both of them just loved it.

"I know, fuck I know." Jimin hated the idea of a stranger, of anybody touching his Jungkook. There was only one... oh.

Sitting up with a sudden movement that was enough to knock Jungkook away from him, Jimin stared at his boyfriend with a huge grin "Namjoon!"

"No, I am Jungkook." it was a hollow joke, only really did enough to show off just how rough Jungkook's voice was, maybe it was from hours with his face buried in Jimin's ass, or maybe it was from taking Jimin's cock down his throat, they would never know.

"You once said that you would love to fuck Namjoon-hyung atleast ones, right?" Jungkook had been very drunk at the time, there was no doubt about, both of them had been out drinking with the rest of their friends, and Namjoon had just left their table to go get another round, leaving both young alphas to stare at his ass and thighs like two starved men had seen a feast for the first time in their life. (Namjoon had very nice thighs, and Jimin refused to be shamed.)

It seemed that even though his rut, Jungkook was still himself enough to blush heavily crimson at the reminder "we agreed not to talk about that!" his tone was slightly whiny and very much not appropriate for an alpha who was mid rut "and it doesn't matter right now."

Even with his words, Jimin could see that Jungkook cock were taking an interest in their conversation starting to perk off, and Jimin couldn't blame it. Namjoon was fucking hot, and he was sweet. He never judged Jimin or Jungkook for their relationship. Even the closest of their friends had still been hesitant at first, questioning if they were both healthy and safe.

Namjoon had just smiled at them and hopped to the next conversation, never uncomfortable around them, never acting differently when they were kissing or making out. Namjoon had even walked in on them once, but he had just teased them afterwards, never uncomfortable. (he had found it hilarious that Jungkook had managed to fall over his own legs trying to cover up, pulling Jimin down with him in a pile of screaming confused alphas.)

"You need an omega. You like Namjoon." Jimin stated it like he was a damn genius, which he felt like at that moment.

Jungkook stared at him confused, clearly not getting exactly what Jimin was trying to say, but again Jimin could excuse that by the fact that the alpha was still in the midst of his rut, "we should ask Namjoon to come to help us."

"I would not do that to you!" Jungkook sat up straight, even though the haze that was rut, it didn't stop Jungkook from still being Jungkook.

It was what made Jimin's cheek heat up as a blush started spreading down his neck and chest. He had always been a full-body blusher, mumbling just loud enough that Jungkook could hear him. "I kinda think it's hot to see you fuck him, if you know what I mean?"

Jungkook stared at him, mouth wide open, seemingly not really understanding exactly what it was that Jimin was saying to him "uhm what?"

"You heard me! I am not repeating it!"

"Is this some... cuckolding thing?" Jimin couldn't believe that he was having this conversation with his boyfriend while naked.

"No!" glaring at the other alpha, Jimin huffed "It's just Namjoon! It's not some damn omega thing!" that wasn't a lie. It couldn't be anybody other than Namjoon. Namjoon was special for them. Both of them knew that without even having to talk about it.

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