That was why he was going to the presentation too, taking with him Mason, Kai and Timo -the ladder German being surprisingly the easiest one to convince, as he and the Rumanian quickly managed to become friends-.

"You are smiling like an idiot." It was Timo who spoke, obviously, with his usual kind voice. "Are you stalking her again on Instagram? Well, stop it, she hasn't posted anything in two days." He shook his head. "You also have active notifications!"

"Should i be worried on why you know it?" Ben asked to his German friend, narrowing his eyebrows.

Timo shrugged. "Because, contrarily to you, I am still in touch with her." He smirked.

"What did she say?" Ben tried to act nonchalantly, but was dying to know if she ever mentioned him.

"She said nothing about you." Timo replied, already knowing where his friend was going with the conversation. "But you know how she's made."

"Yeah..." The English took a deep breath. "Guys, we have a mission to do."

"Which one now?" Kai couldn't help but ask, supported by Mason who facepalmed himself at his friend.

Ben smiled proudly. "We have to convince Sofia to show the Chelsea project."


"She's coming!" Mason announced once he spotted a certain blonde girl stepping into the university, accompanied by a brunette girl and the iconic Gheorghe.

For the past hour, Ben had been chatting with Corinna for the details, keeping updated also his friends. He really felt like working on a secret mission for Scotland Yard in that moment. The plan, thou, was quite simple. Ben had to speak alone with Sofia, and possibly avoiding her to slap him.

"Act like a normal human being!" Kai warned in a serious tone. "We're in a place full of people!"

"Kai, you're talking to Ben, remember." It was obviously Timo who spoke, shaking his head. "Okay, let's go!"

Normally Ben would have replied to Timo, but right now he had to contain himself from not acting like a teenager on his first crush. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to look as nonchalantly as possible, as the four players got up from the table where they sitting to approach the three Rumanians.

Ben's eyes were glued on the blonde girl, who was wearing a tight black dress and heels, looking very professional. Her eyes, thou, were glued on her phone, as she looked like to be writing to someone. Useless to say that Ben was curious to know who.

"Sofia!" Timo called, waving his hand at the blonde girl from Romania, making her take off her blue eyes off the telephone screen.

Sofia was taken back by it, not really understanding what the four guys were doing there. "Hi Timo!" She put on a smile and side hugged the blonde German. "Guys." She smiled at Kai and Mason, her smile disappearing when her eyes landed on Ben. However, she soon looked back at Timo. "What are you doing here?"

"Ben told us about your presentation." Kai explained. "We're here for support."

"Support? Me?" Sofia was quite shocked, in a good way, as she pointed at herself with her finger. She looked at Corina and Gheorghe. "Did you guys know it?"

"I barely know my name." Gheorghe commented, rubbing the back of his neck, and causing everyone to laugh.

"I knew it." Corina confessed with a smirk. "Surprise!"

Sofia looked at her with a straight face. "Good. We will talk about it later." She turned again to the players, avoiding to meet Ben's eyes. "Uhm, thank you, I guess. There was no need to bother coming here!"

𝐅𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐭 | Ben ChilwellWhere stories live. Discover now