εïз february 12th, 2016 εïз

459 38 6

Jungeun doesn't see her friend for a while. She avoids Jinsoul, it's too painful to see her. That goofy smile Jinsoul always wears makes her heart hurt. Jinsoul is happy, she is so happy. But it isn't because of Jungeun.

Realistically, Jungeun should've known better than to hope it was. When Jinsoul had first walked into the cafe, Jungeun literally lost her breath. Woah. How can a girl just...look like that? She was just wearing a white shirt and black jeans, but it was so startlingly attractive that Jungeun forgot what she was even doing. She ended up tripping over Jinsoul on her way past (because yeah, her eyes were going places other than Jinsoul's face) and spilling an entire pot of hot coffee.

Well really it was just lukewarm, going in the trash, but the point was the same. She had spilled a drink all over her undoubtedly most beautiful customer, and the girl was staring up at her in shock.

"Oh my god," Jungeun gasps, putting her hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry, let me-"

Jinsoul just stares at her, gapped mouth as Jungeun gets paper towels and tries to dry Jinsoul's shirt, dabbing up the liquid where she has spilled it, which was everywhere.

"Listen, um," Jinsoul tries not to laugh. "I like boobs in my face as much as the next lesbian, but this wasn't really the kind of favor I was expecting after having coffee spilled on me,"

Jungeun stands up straight. The way she has been leaning in to clean up Jinsoul's shirt...yeah Jinsoul has probably been given way too much information just now.

Wait a second? Did this girl just say she was a lesbian?

"L-lesbian?" She chokes out, hoping it sounded like a question and now a weird sound.

"Yeah," Jinsoul laughs, smiling at her.

"Oh...cool," Jungeun swallows thickly.

Jinsoul's expression hardens. "Is there a problem?"

"No! No," Jungeun choked on her words. "I mean, me too,"

"Oh," Jinsoul's face breaks out into a grin and she sighs in relief. "For a second I thought this was going to turn sour," She leans back in her chair, looking over Jungeun. "Of course it makes sense, the prettiest girls always swing my way,"

Jungeun's brain just stops. She can't. Not at 11 o'clock in the morning, not when she is dressed in this raggedy uniform with hair pulled into a messy ponytail and an apron already covered in stains. This girl is kidding. She has to be. If she isn't...Jungeun didn't know if her heart can survive that. So she choses to believe it is a joke.

"I'll give you a week's worth of free coffee," Jungeun says quickly. "As an apology,"

"You're an angel," Jinsoul says sweetly.

No, Jungeun thinks. That's you.

"I was very happy with the first kind of refund though," Jinsoul winks, and the tips of Jungeun's ears burn. "See you later, Jungeun,"

"How did you-"

"Name tag," Jinsoul points to her uniform. " I'm Jinsoul,"

She walks out the door of the cafe, leaving Jungeun standing in the middle of the cafe, star struck by her presence.

cigarettes, daydreams // lipsoulOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz