Chapter 5: The Enemy's Enemy

Start from the beginning

"You broke into my apartment." I replied dryly.

"I told you that I was coming by," he responded innocently, "Not my fault you gave me a key."

"You could've at least announced that you were here!" My voice cracked slightly as I raised my voice. 

          I bit my lip painfully to stop the tears that welled up in my eyes as the stress and anxiety of the day started flooding back into my memory.

        Leo studied my face with quiet benevolence, tucking a strand of wet hair behind my ear and sighing.

     "My bad, love."

I took a deep breath and with excruciating effort, moved away from his gentle touch.

"Excuse me." I mumbled, hurrying into the guest bathroom and quickly closing the door as the tears started to fall. 

         I looked in the mirror and my face contorted unattractively as I held back a sob. I turned away from my reflection and sniffed, careful not to make a sound  as I wiped at my eyes with my sleeve.

         With a press of the button on top of the tank, I flushed the toilet to sell the idea that I had gone to the bathroom. I turned on the sink water, and splashed cold water on my face, checking to make sure that my eyes weren't too puffy.

        I wiped my face and hands with the hand towel and shook my head vigorously before heading back out into the hallway to face Leo.

        He had taken the liberty of feeding Orthus for me, and knelt next to him on the kitchen floor, petting his back as he ate. A mop was resting on the wall in the hallway, and when he saw me emerge from the bathroom, Leo shooed me away.

         "You're getting water all over the floor after I just mopped it up. Go dry off."  He waved me off, stood up and shrugged out of his button down. 

          I stared shamelessly at his defined biceps and watched his muscles ripple as he folded the shirt and placed it on top on the couch cushion. He peered over the couch from behind and looked at the sleeping Clara, before scouring the living room for something. 

           After he had come across a blanket, he unfolded it and went to drape it over her body, but stopped in his tracks when he saw me in the hallway staring at him.

He raised a brow, "What, do you need help?"

         My eyes dropped to his tight wife beater that hugged his defined abdomen and lowered to see the band of his Supreme boxers peeking out from underneath his pants.


"No," I blurted, turning and shaking my head, "No I'm good."

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