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The plan is set, and Loraana's skin is on fire. She really shouldn't be this nervous, but something propels her forward like a calling from the mist. Something lies beyond her view, and it is getting closer and closer.

She joins the other Jedi and Padmé along with a few soldiers as they sneak through the city. She twirls her lightsabers in her palms as Padmé signals Panaka across the square. "Nervous?" Obi-Wan whispers at her side.

"No," she replies too quickly. "Maybe? I sense something dangerous." When she turns her head, she finds him much closer than she thought. Her gaze dips down for a moment as his breath heats up her face. "Do you feel it too?"

He blinks and pulls back an inch, not that it helps calm her raging mind. "I definitely feel...something."

Loraana yelps when a sudden explosion startles her. Without thinking, she curls into Obi-Wan's waiting embrace and tucks her face behind his arms. It only takes a moment for her mind to start working again, especially when she sees Qui-Gon looking at them. Clearing her throat, she pulls away and the group advances.

They fight their way into the hangar, though most of the droids are more concerned with Panaka's group than theirs. Finding more droids in the hangar, Loraana ignites her sabers as the pilots rush to their ships. She races forward to the largest clump of droids and decimates them, their remains smoldering after a kiss with her lightsaber.

As pilots soar out of the hangar, they dispose of the last remaining droids easily. The one thing about droids is that they are anything but unpredictable. As Loraana deactivates her sabers and rejoins the group, Padmé says, "My guess is the Viceroy is in the throne room."

Panaka starts shouting orders as the group makes their way out of the hangar. A young boy in the cockpit of a fighter catches her eyes. "Hey! Wait for me!" Anakin yells.

"No, Ani. You stay there," Qui-Gon says. "Stay right where you are."

"But, I—"

"Stay in that cockpit."

"You know he'll just end up flying, right?" Loraana whispers but a shiver down her spine makes her pause. Her gaze drifts to the hangar doors as it opens to reveal a cloaked man—not just any man, but the Sith Lord they encountered before.

The Jedi slowly move through the group. "We'll handle this," Qui-Gon says.

Padmé nods and turns. "We'll take the long way."

Loraana watches as the Sith takes down his hood, revealing his face at long last. Another shiver makes her look over her shoulder. "Destroyers," she whispers.

"Go," Qui-Gon says as he and Obi-Wan remove their cloaks. "Protect the queen."

Loraana nods but she does not move until Obi-Wan does the same. The moment his head dips down, Loraana races towards Padmé and her soldiers with her lightsabers activated, deflecting the shots from the droid destroyers. Each shot gets absorbed back into the droids' shields.

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