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It is just her luck that the ship she boarded would be a part of the actual invasion instead of landing far away from the capital of Naboo. Sneaking off the ship was easy, and making it to the capital in one piece was easy. The hard part she currently faces is reaching the queen before the Trade Federation does.

Her mind travels back to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, but she knows what she has to do as she scales the outside of the castle. Slipping into an open window, Loraana sticks to the ornate walls as she makes her way through the building, finding the queen alone in an office. "Your highness," she bows, lowering her hood as the queen jumps in surprise. "My name is Loraana Windu. I was sent here as an ambassador for the Chancellor though the negotiations have been disrupted. The Trade Federation is moments away from—"

"An invasion, I know," The queen replies, lowering her head. "You are a Jedi, are you not?"

Loraana nods. "A Padawan, highness. We must get you to safety before the Federation arrives."

"Well, you are too late." The queen motions out the window where Loraana knows droids are flooding the streets.

"All the more reason to move quickly."

The queen shakes her head. "Not yet. I cannot go without—"

"Your highness, it's too dangerous. Please let me protect you if you will not leave."

The queen searches the room before she picks up an orange coverup. "You can pose as one of my handmaids. Put this on."

Loraana glances over her shoulder as she feels the air shift with a multitude of presences. She slips into the costume, allowing the queen to add a touch of make-up to her skin to match her other handmaids most likely already captured.

Sticking by the queen through the invasion proves difficult. Especially when the queen herself changes into the same costume Loraana wears. They walk together, Loraana's fingers twitching for her lightsabers with each step as the Viceroy leads the false queen and her handmaids through the castle.

"How will you explain this invasion to the Senate?" One of the politicians asks, not that Loraana pays much attention to him.

"The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate."

"I will not cooperate," the false queen says.

Loraana admires the girl's bravery. All of the handmaids, including the queen, are all so young, the oldest probably only nineteen. Yet, they all remain silent and trusting of their true queen who stands among them.

"Now, now, your Highness," the Viceroy chides. "You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view. Commander. Process them."

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