8: No Matter What

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For the twelfth time tonight, I'm awoken by the sound of an alarm clock blaring somewhere on my floor, and I'm seriously considering holding Oliver down so Micah can get a few hits in. As soon as my eyes pop open, I hear groans and curses fill my floor. It sounds like everyone has reached their limit for the night.

Glancing at the clock beside my bed, the red numbers show it's five thirty in the morning. Oliver's little alarm clock prank started at midnight, and one has gone off somewhere on the floor every thirty minutes since. At three, Micah had chased Oliver all around my floor threatening murder if Oliver didn't tell him where the other ones were. Every single time, Oliver swore that was the last one, only to be proven a liar half an hour later. At this point, even I'm considering hurting him.

The blaring hasn't stopped, telling me no one has found the offending object yet. Throwing the covers off, I stomp into the living room planning to threaten bodily harm if Oliver doesn't shut the thing up. Rounding the corner, I find Julian standing in the room watching as Micah sits on Oliver's chest trying to smother him with a pillow.

"Let him up so he can go turn the thing off," I mumble through a yawn.

Micah removes the pillow from Oliver's face and glares down at him while Oliver's lips twitch, trying to fight off a smile. He better be careful. If a smile slips through, Micah might actually smother him judging by the look on his face.

"Now, Oliver," I say seriously, breaking there stare off, and he scrambles from under Micah to go find the shrieking clock.

"Where the hell did he even get twelve clocks?" Julian mumbles, annoyed.

Shrugging, I look over at Micah, but he's already fallen face down on the pillow, burying his face in an attempt to fall back asleep.

Finally, blessed silence falls over the floor right before Oliver saunters into the room, a smirk on his face. I have no idea how he can be so cheerful. He didn't get any sleep all night either. I guess his sadistic amusement was giving him a rush.

"Tell me something, Oliver," I mutter, and he glances over at me. "Did it really seem like a good idea to deprive an already unstable witch of sleep?" I ask, raising a brow at him, and his smirk falters.

With a roll of my eyes, I head downstairs to start some coffee. We're all going to need it today.

Julian and Oliver both fall into step behind me, and we leave Micah snoring on the living room floor.

"That was the last clock, right? Because if another one goes off, he might actually kill you," Julian says from behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to see Oliver nod.

Entering the kitchen, I'm surprised to see Lawrence, Cal, Annie, and Lizzie sitting around the table. The kitchen seems like a strange place to find a bunch of vampires, but I guess they don't really have a common room to gather in like my floor does.

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